Euro is the currency of EU 19 countries. The 19 members of the euro are Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Malta and Cyprus.
Euro is the currency of EU 19 countries. The 19 members of the euro are Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Malta and Cyprus.
The euro is the most significant achievement of European monetary reform since the Roman Empire. The euro not only makes the European single market more perfect, but also facilitates the free trade among the countries in the euro zone, which is an important part of the EU integration process.
Although Monaco, San Marino and Vatican are not EU countries, they used to use French francs or Italian lira as their currencies, and they also used euros, and authorized to mint a small number of their own euro coins. Some non-EU countries and regions, such as Montenegro, Kosovo and Andorra, also use the euro as a payment tool.
The euro is managed by european system of central banks, which is composed of the European Central Bank and the central banks of the euro zone countries. The European Central Bank, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, has the power to independently formulate monetary policy. The central banks of euro zone countries participate in the printing, casting and distribution of euro banknotes and coins, and are responsible for the operation of the euro zone payment system.
Euro has a good demonstration effect on regional economic integration. European integration initiated the regionalization of the world economy. In the past half century, with the encouragement of European integration, the regionalization of the world economy has become a common practice and flourished.
Today, besides EU, NAFTA and APEC, there are ASEAN and "10+3", South Asia, South Pacific Free Trade Area, Gulf, Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Caribbean, South America and Northwest Africa.
The introduction and use of the euro provides a new idea for regional integration, and makes the existing regional economic integration model take a big step forward. With the advancement of monetary union, economic integration inevitably needs political union, and "European Federation" has now become a hot topic in the European Union. This new way of combination transcends national boundaries and national economic boundaries, and is undoubtedly very attractive to all countries and groups, thus prompting more countries and groups to choose the road of "monetary union".