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Analysis of discuz Forum Database
Discuz! Database structure reference

Summary table = = >>

Table overview

CDB _ Access-When a user has specific rights to certain parts, this table records what rights the user has in these parts.

Cdb_admingroups-management module information table

Cdb_adminsessions-background management login record

Cdb_announcements-Forum announcement information

Cdb_attachments-Attachment Information Table

Cdb_attachtypes-The nature type of the attachment (that is, the attachment type set in the background; If it is not set, it is empty by default. )

Cdb_banned-IP IP Prohibited Information Table

cdb_bbcodes - Discuz! Code information table

CDB friends-member's friends list

Cdb_caches-cache of statistics pages

Cdb_failedlogins-Records of illegal login in the background.

Cdb_favorites-records information about the topics that users like.

Cdb_forumlinks-Alliance Forum

Cdb _ Forum-Forum Information Table

Cdb _ karma Log-User Rating Record

Cdb_members-Main information table of all members of the forum

Cdb_onlinelist-online membership information

Cdb_plugins-plugin information table

CDB _ CDB _ Plug-in _ Settings-Configuration settings information of plug-ins is relevant.

Cdb_pms-BBS SMS data table

Cdb_polls-Voting Content Information Table

Cdb_posts-information table of all posts in the forum

Cdb_ranks-User Publishing Level Record

Cdb_searchindex-search results cache

Cdb_sessions-Online User Information Table (Temporary Table)

Cdb_settings-Related to the basic settings of the forum. (Including the background basic settings, the number of registered people, the maximum number of online people, functions and other settings.

Wait a minute. )

Cdb_smilies-expression setting

Cdb_stats-forum statistics

Cdb_styles-style information table

Cdb_stylevars-Configuration information of the style

Cdb_subscriptions-Records information about subscription topics.

Cdb_templates-Template Information Table

Cdb_threads-Information table of all topics in the forum

Cdb_usergroups-User Group Master Information Table

Cdb_words-Bad filtering words


Function introduction of data table: When a user has specific permissions on some sections, the table records what permissions the user has in these sections.


UID-medium int(8)- UID number of the member.

FID-smallint(6)- ID number of the section.

Allow view-Tinyint( 1)- Allow viewing posts?

Allow post-Tinyint( 1)- Is posting allowed?

Allow reply -Tinyint( 1)- Allow reply?

AllowGetAttach-Tinyint (1)-Allow downloading attachments?

Cdb _ Management Group

Introduction of data table function: management module information table

Admingid-smallint(3)- id of the management group.

Admintitle-char(30)- the title of the management group.

Admin global-Tinyint( 1)- Do you have global permissions?

Allow editing posts -Tinyint( 1)- Allow editing posts?

Allowed poll-Tinyint( 1)- Allow editing of votes?

Allowdelpost-tinyint (1)-Do you want to delete posts?

AllowMassPrune-Tinyint (1)-Allow bulk deletion?

Allow words -Tinyint( 1)- Do you want to allow word filtering?

Allow view IP-Tinyint( 1)- Is it allowed to view IP?

Allow banip-Tinyint( 1)- Is ip blocking allowed?

Allow editing users -Tinyint( 1)- Allow editing users?

Allow banuser-Tinyint( 1)- Allow user access?

Allow announcement -Tinyint( 1)- Allow forum announcement?

Allow View Log-Tinyint (1)-Is it allowed to view background records?

AllowHighlight-Tinyint (1)-Is it allowed to highlight the topic?

Allow abstract -Tinyint( 1)- Allow essence theme?

Allow closing -Tinyint( 1)- Allow closing the topic?

Allow Move -Tinyint( 1)- Allow Theme Move?

Allow top-Tinyint( 1)- Is it allowed to fix the top theme?

Allow merging -Tinyint( 1)- Allow theme merging?

AllowSplit-Tinyint( 1)- Allow topic splitting?

Disable PostCtrl-Tinyint (1)-Publishing is unrestricted.

Cdb _ management session

Data table function introduction: background login record.

UID-mediumint(8)- UID number of the user.

IP-CHAR(20)- IP recorded at login.

Dateline-int( 10)- Date and time of login.

Error Log -tinyint( 1)- Number of password errors.

Cdb _ Announcement

Function introduction of data table: forum announcement information.

ID-smallint(6)- the id of the announcement.

Author-varchar( 15)- the publisher of the announcement.

Subject-varchar(250)- Title of the announcement.

Url link of the content.

Display Order -tinyint(3)- Display Order

Start time -int( 10)- start time

End time -int( 10)- end time

Message-Text-Announcement Content

Cdb _ attachment

Introduction of data table function: information table of forum attachment

Aid-medium int(8)- id of the attachment.

Tid-medium int(8)- id of the subject where the attachment is located.

ID of the post where the attachment is located.

Uid-medium int(8)- id number of the member who sent the attachment.

Credits require-smallint (6)-(6)-download requirements, that is, how many points are needed to see/download attachments.

Filename-char( 100)- The file name of the attachment when uploading.

Filetype-char(50)- Type of uploaded attachment.

Filesize-int( 10)- the size of the attachment file.

Attachment-char( 100)- Upload the file name of the attachment.

Dateline-int( 10)- Date and time when the attachment was uploaded/last updated.

Downloads-smallint(6)- number of downloads.

Cdb _ Attachment Type

Data table function introduction: attachment type information.

ID-smallint(6)- records the ID of the attachment type setting, and each ID corresponds to an ID.

Extension-char( 10)- the extension when setting the type.

Maxsize-int( 10)- Controls the maximum upload size.

Cdb _ forbidden

Data table function introduction: information record of banned IP.

ID-smallint(6)- ID of the forbidden IP list.

IP 1, ip2, ip3, ip4-smallint (3)-Ip address segment, 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively represent four segments of IP.

Admin-varchar( 15)- operator record

Dateline-int (10)-the time of IP sealing.

Time of automatic unsealing.


Data table function introduction: Discuz! Code information table.

ID-mediumint(8)- ID of the tag.

Available -Tinyint( 1)- Available?

Tag-varchar( 100)- tag name

Replace-Text-Replace Content.

Example -varchar(255)- Example


Params-tinyint( 1)- number of parameters.

Nest-tinyint(3)- nesting times


Data table function introduction: member's friend list.

UID-mediumint(8)- UID number of the user.

Buddyid-mediumint (8)-the number of friends added by frienduid members.

Cdb _ cache

Function introduction of data table: cache of statistical pages.

Cid-int( 10)- id automatically generated when caching.

Key-varchar(80)- cache name

Cval-Text Cache Content

Dateline-int( 10)- page cache time.

EXTR-VARCHAR(80)- Not currently used *


Data table function introduction: records of illegal login background.

IP-CHAR( 15)- IP logged in illegally.

Count-tinyint( 1)- the number of logins.

Last update -int( 10)- Last update date.

Cdb _ favorites

Introduction of data table function: record the relevant information of users' favorite topics.

UID-mediumint(8)- UID number of the user.

Tid-mediumint(8)- Theme id of the theme that members like.

Cdb _ forum link

Introduction of data table function: alliance forum.

ID-smallint(6)- Each alliance forum generates a serial ID.

Display Order -tinyint(3)- Display Order

Name -varchar( 100)- website name

URL-varchar(200)- website address

Note -varchar(200)- website description

Logo -varchar( 100)- Logo address

CDB _ Forum

Function introduction of data table: information table of forum section.

FID-smallint(6)- the ID of the part.

Fup-smallint(6)- ID of the superior part.

Type-enum ('group',' forum',' sub ')- the types of sections, namely: group (classification), forum (default section) and sub.

(Subversion at the bottom)

Icon -varchar(50)- section icon

Name-varchar(255)- section name

Description -Varchar(255)- Part Introduction

Status -Tinyint( 1)- Is it displayed on the forum?

Display Order -tinyint(3)- The display order of each part.

Moderators -varchar(255)- Moderators list

Styled-smallint(6)- Style ID used.

How many topics are there in threads-mediumint (8)-* *?

Post-mediumint (8)-* * Count how many posts there are.

Last post-varchar (110)-A string consisting of the last published user name, publishing time and title.

AllowSmilies-Tinyint (1)-Are expressions allowed?

Allow HTML-Tinyint( 1)- Allow HTML?

Allowbcode-Tinyint( 1)- Whether to allow Discuz! password

Allow IMG code-Tinyint( 1)- Allow img code?

Post credits-tinyint(3)-(3)- Points added to new posts.

Reply credits-tinyint(3)-(3)- The number of replies plus integral.

Password-varchar( 12)- the access password of the forum.

View perm-varchar( 100)- Permission to browse this section.

Post perm-varchar( 100)- Publishing permission

Reply to perm-varchar( 100)- Reply to the topic permission.

Getattachperm-varchar (100)-Download the attachment license


Data table function introduction: user rating record.

Id of the score record.

UID-medium int(8)- UID number of appraiser.

ID of the scored article.

Dateline-int( 10)- grading operation time.

Score-Tinyint(3)- Score the points added and subtracted.

CDB _ Member

Function introduction of data table: the main information table of all members of the forum.

UID-mediumint(8)- UID number of the user.

Username-varchar( 15)- the name of the user ID.

Password-varchar(32)- User's login password (MD5)

Sec ques-varchar(8)- security question information

Gender -Tinyint( 1)- Gender

Adminid-smallint(3)- Management group id number (1 for administrator, 2 for chief moderator, 3 for moderator, 0 for no, that is, non-management group,-1 table.

Special groups and system groups other than 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. groups 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)

GroupID-smallint(6)- user group ID number

Regisp-varchar (15)-IP record at registration.

Regdate-int( 10)- registration date

Last-Varchar( 15)- Last access to the IP record.

Last visit -int( 10)- Date of last visit.

Last activity-int( 10)- Last activity time.

Last post-int( 10)- the last release date.

Post num-smallint(6)- total number of posts

Credit-Interest (10)- Integral

Extracredit-int (10)-dz25 reserved extended integral *

EMail-varchar(60)- the em address of the member.

Site -varchar(75)- member's home page.

Icq-varchar of member (12)

OICQ-VARCHAR( 12)- Member QQ

Yahoo -Varchar (40 years old)-Yahoo's Yahoo!

MSN-varchar(40)- MSN of the member

Location -varchar(30)- from

B day-day-birthday

Biological short message-self-introduction.

Avatar-Vachar (100)- Members' heads

The width of Avatar -Tinyint(3)- the width of the avatar.

The height of Avatar -Tinyint(3)- the height of the head.


Custom status-varchar(30)- custom title

TPP-Tinyint(3)- Displays the number of topics per page.

PPP-Tinyint(3)- Displays the number of replies for each topic.

ID of the selected style.

Date format -varchar( 10)- date format

Time format -varchar(5)- time format

Show email-tinyint( 1)- Whether to display the EM address.

SMS -tinyint( 1)- Agree to receive forum notification.

Invisibility -Tinyint( 1)- Is it invisible?

Time offset-varchar(4)- time difference setting

Ignore the short message list.

Newpm-Tinyint( 1)- Any new news and tips?

Access mask -tinyint( 1)- indicates whether the user has specified special permissions for some boards.

Identifying-varchar(20)- When a newly registered user passes the EM authentication, the user forgets the password and needs to get it back through EM.

The field is written with a random authentication string.


Data table function introduction: online member information.

Groupid-smallint(6)- id of the user group.

Display Order -tinyint(3)- Display Order

Title-varchar(30)- The name of the display.

URL of small icon-varchar (30)

Cdb _ plugin

Introduction of data table function: plug-in information table.

Plug _ ID-smallint(6)- ID of the plug-in.

Plug _ title-varchar(255)- plug-in name

Plug-in Version -varchar(255)- Plug-in Version

Plug-in author

Plug _ key-varchar(255)- English logo of plug-in (unique)

Plug _ stats-Tinyint( 1)- Is the plug-in displayed in the foreground?

Plug-in customization manager

Plug _ tables-varchar(255)- plug-in data table

Plug _ plug_license-text-the content of the plug-in copyright notice.

Plug-in _ desc- Text-Plug-in Description

Cdb _ Plug-in _ Settings

Data table function introduction: the configuration setting information of plug-in is related.

Conf _ ID-int( 10)- ID of the plug-in configuration item.

Conf _ title-varchar(255)- plugin configuration name

Conf _ desc- text-plug-in configuration description

Conf _ group-varchar(255)- Configure the group of plug-ins (English logo, corresponding plug-ins).

Conf _ type-varchar(255)- Plug-in Configuration Item Type

Conf _ key-varchar(255)- Unique identifier of plug-in configuration.

Configuration Value-Text-Plug-in Configuration Value

Conf _ extra-text-plugin configuration extension

Conf _ position-smallint(3)- Display order of plug-in configuration.

Conf _ cached-Tinyint( 1)- Is the plugin configuration cached?


Introduction of data table function: BBS SMS data table.

PMID-int( 10)- ID of the short message.

Msg from-varchar (15)-member name of SMS initiator.

Msgfromid-mediumint (8)-Member UID number of SMS initiator.

Msg toid-mediumint(8)-(8)- the member UID number of the short message receiver.

Folder-Enumeration ('Inbox',' Outbox')-Inbox and Outbox (Inbox by default).

New-tinyint( 1)- marks whether it has been read (1= unread and not ignored 2= unread and ignored).

Subject -varchar(75)- SMS title

Date line -int( 10)- date of sending

Message-text-short message content.


Data table function introduction: voting content information table.

Tid-medium int(8)- Subject id of the voting post.

Voting items at polling stations


Data table function introduction: the information table of all posts in the forum.

The ID of the article.

FID-smallint(6)- ID of the board where the post is located.

Tid-medium int(8)- the theme id of the post.

Aid-Tinyint( 1)- id of the attachment in the post.

Author-varchar( 15)- Member name of the post publisher.

The member UID number of the article publisher.

Subject-varchar(80)- the title of the article

Dateline-int( 10)- Date and time of publication.

Message-mediumtext-the content of the post.

The publisher's Useip-varchar (15)-IP.

Use SIG-tinyint( 1)- to display the publisher's signature.

BBCodeOff-Tinyint( 1)- Whether Discuz is allowed! password

Smilyoff-Tinyint( 1)- Are expressions allowed?

Parseurloff-tinyint( 1)- disables URL identification.

Rate-small ness(6)- User rating record in the post.

Rate times-tinyint(3)-(3)- Number of times scored.


Introduction of data table function: users publish achievement records.

Grade ID-smallint(6)- ID of grade record.

Rank Title -varchar(30)- Rank Title

Postshigher-smallint(6)-(6)- The number of posts is higher than.

Stars-Tinyint(3)- the number of stars

Color-varchar(7)- title color

Cdb _ Search Index

Data table function introduction: search result cache.

Search ID-int( 10)- the ID of the search result.

Keyword -varchar(255)- Keyword

Search string -varchar(255)- stores options, such as search part, user name, full-text search, etc. , are all patchwork strings.

Use the search function to use EP-varchar( 15)- member IP.

UID-medium int( 10)- UID number of the member who uses the search function.

Dateline-int( 10)- Date and time when the search function was used.

Expiration-int( 10)- Expiration time. If the next search is successful, it will be searched again and the data will be updated.

Threads-smallint(6)- The number of topics in the search results.

The article ID of the search result.

Cdb _ session

Introduction of data table function: online user information table (temporary table)

Sid-char(6)- is a random session number generated by Dz itself.

IP 1, ip2, ip3, ip4-tinyint (3)-Ip address segment, 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively represent four segments of IP.

UID-medium int(8)- UID number of the member.

Username-char( 15)- the name of the member.

Groupid-smallint(6)- user group member.

Styled-smallint (6) style ID used by the member.

Invisible-Tinyint( 1)- Is the member invisible?

Action -Tinyint( 1)- the action of the member.

Last activity-int( 10)- Last activity recording time.

FID-smallint(6)- ID of the part where it is located.

Tid-medium int(8)- the id of the article.

Cdb _ settings

Introduction of data table function: related to the basic settings of the forum.

(including the background basic settings, the number of registered people, the maximum number of online people, functions, other settings and so on. )

Variable-varchar(32)- variable name *

Value-Text-Change the specific value of a variable *


Introduction to data table functions: expression setting.

ID-smallint(6)- ID of the expression.

Type-enum ('smiley',' icon ')- The type of expression (that is, the expression in the post and topic icon).

Code-varchar (10)-smiles code

URL-varchar(30)- The path of the expression file name.


Function introduction of data table: forum statistics information.

Type-varchar(20)- Various statistics, including statistics of IE usage, statistics of traffic, etc.

Var-varchar(20)- Various statistical values vary with the above types. If it is IE statistics, it means that IE browsers are used more.

Less; If it is traffic statistics, how many values are displayed in each time period, and so on.

Count-int( 10)- Count

Cdb _ style

Function introduction of data table: style information table.

Styled-smallint (6) style ID

Name-varchar(20)- style name.

Available -Tinyint( 1)- Available?

Template ID-smallint(6)- corresponding template ID.

Cdb _ style variable

Data table function introduction: style configuration information.

Style varid-smallint(6)- an automatically added number used to uniquely identify a record.

Styled-smallint (6) style ID

Variable-Text-The name of the corresponding part of the corresponding style, such as background color.

Substitute-text-the value of the corresponding part of the corresponding style.

Cdb _ subscription

Introduction of data table function: record the relevant information of subscription topic.

UID-medium int(8)- UID number of the member.

Tid-mediumint(8)- Subject id of member subscription.

Email -varchar(60)- member's em

Last notify-int( 10)- the subject record of the last subscription.

Cdb _ template

Function introduction of data table: template information table.

Template ID-smallint(6)- the ID of the template.

Name-varchar(30)- template name

Charset-varchar(30)- The encoding type of the language used in the template.

Directory-varchar( 100)- The directory where the template is located.

Copyright-varchar( 100)- copyright information of the template.

Cdb _ thread

Data table function introduction: the information table of all topics in the forum.

Id of the subject.

FID-smallint(6)- The section ID of the section where the topic is located.

Creditsrequire-smallint(6)- How many points do you need to set to browse this topic?

Icon id-smallint(6)- theme icon

Author-char( 15)- Member name of the topic.

Author id-medium int(8)- the member UID number of the topic.

The title of the topic.

International date line -int( 10)- release date

Last post-int( 10)- the last release date.

The last poster -CHAR( 15)- the last published member name.

Views-popularity (8)-popularity value (that is, the number of views)

Reply -smallint(6)- the number of replies

Display Order -tinyint( 1)- Display Order

Highlight -Tinyint( 1)- Highlight?

Digest-Tinyint( 1)- Is it an essence sticker?

Poll-Tinyint( 1)- Is it a polling station?

Attachment -Tinyint( 1)- Is there a topic with an attachment?

Closed-Meditation (8)-Whether the theme is closed. In fact, when moving the theme and keeping the moving mark,

The moved target tid will be stored in the closed. That is, when >: when 1, move; When = 1, close; When =0, it is a normal post.

Cdb _ user group

Data table function introduction: user group master information table.

GroupID-smallint(6)- user group ID number

Type-enum ('system',' special',' member ')- user group type (i.e. three types: system management group, special user group and general user group).

Member group)

Group Title -char(30)- User Group Title

Credit higher-int( 10)- integer greater than

Credit lower-int( 10)- integer less than

Stars-Tinyint(3)- the number of stars

Color-Character (7)- Title Color

Group avatar -char(60)- Group avatar

Allow Status -Tinyint( 1)- Allow custom titles?

AllowAvatar-Tinyint( 1)- Is it allowed to customize the avatar?

Allow visit-Tinyint( 1)- Are you allowed to visit the forum?

Allow view-Tinyint( 1)- Allow browsing posts?

Allow post-Tinyint( 1)- Is posting allowed?

Allow voting afterwards -Tinyint( 1)- Allow voting?

AllowGetAttach-Tinyint (1)-Allow downloading attachments?

Allow attachment publishing -Tinyint( 1)- Allow attachment publishing?

Allow vote-Tinyint( 1)- Is voting allowed?

Allow search -Tinyint( 1)- Allow search function?

Allow karma-Tinyint( 1)- Allow users to score?

Allow invisibility -Tinyint( 1)- Is invisibility allowed?

AllowsetViewPerm-Tinyint (1)-Is it allowed to set posting permission (that is, set integral viewing)?

AllowsetAttachperm-Tinyint (1)-Allow setting attachment permissions?

Allow IHDecode-Tinyint (1)-Is it allowed to hide code?

AllowSigBBCode-Tinyint (1)-Whether Discuz is allowed or not! password

AllowSigmCode-Tinyint (1)-Is IMG code allowed?

Allow View Stats-Tinyint (1)-Allow viewing statistics?

Maxpmnum-smallint(6)- Maximum SMS Inbox Capacity

Maxsigsize-smallint(6)- Maximum number of signature bytes.

MaxKarmarate-Tinyint(3)- Maximum score

Maxrateperday-smallint(6)- the maximum score per day.

Maxattachsize-int( 10)- Maximum size of uploaded attachment.

Attach extensions-char (255)-(255)-allowed attachment types.


Function introduction of data table: filtering bad words.

ID-smallint(6)- ID number of each item automatically generated.

Admin-varchar( 15)- operator record

Found bad words.

Replacement-varchar(60)- Replaces the content of bad words.

Please look at these three posts and pay attention to the second one:

/thread -408- 1- 1.html