1. Essential skills for data encryption - cryptography
In the era of accelerated network development, data security has become an essential technical issue. How to make user data, network data, and content data safe and reliable is something every developer needs to think deeply about and defend. Be proficient in cryptography principles, understand the underlying implementation of MD5 algorithm, asymmetric and symmetric encryption algorithms, and how to apply them to project development. Let developers defend data security with strength!
1. Origin history of passwords
2. Base 64 encoding format, hash function
3. MD5 & addition Salt, HMAC encryption
4. Symmetric encryption algorithm
5.RSA Openssl, digital signature
2. RunLoop
RunLoop is iOS It is a very basic concept in OS Where can RunLoop be used in development?
1. Can understand the concept of RunLoop
2. Know how to use RunLoop
3. Use of RunLoop in development
Three , Runtime
OC Zongheng iOS has been developed for many years, but do we really understand them? What is its underlying principle? Is this really the only way to use it?
How can we better master the application of this language? In addition, can Swift do what OC can do?
1. What is runtime
2. How to use runtime< /p>
3. How to use runtime
4. How to use runtime in siwft
4. Analysis of SDWebImage source code
In development, in order to To improve work efficiency, most of us introduce many frameworks, thinking that as long as we can complete our work and achieve our goals, of course this is correct, but we do ignore the programming ideas and implementation logic in many good frameworks, and only know how to use Framework, if we don’t know the essence of it, it will be bad for our development in the long run, so let us start from the classic framework and learn the essence of SDWebImage together.
1.SDWebImage Analysis of demo
2. The concept of SDWebImage caching
3. Download timeout and image format distinction
4. SDWebImage cleaning mechanism and memory monitoring< /p>
5. H264 encoding
Zuckerberg said that "video is one of the most important behaviors for Facebook social networking in the future." As developers, we should understand how video is encoded. The technology of coding on live broadcast platforms is also frequently used, which is the first step for us to move from the business layer to the bottom layer of video encoding.
1. Understand the structure and technical breakthrough points of the live broadcast project;
2. Principles of video composition
3. The structure of H264 files
4. The difference between soft coding and hard coding and application scenarios
5. The principle of hard coding
6. Using hard coding to encode video files
7. Multiple processing methods of H264 decoding
6. AAC encoding
Live streaming, audio and video projects have become the backbone of iOS application apps. Decrypt the audio encoding process so developers are no longer secretive about encoding. The audio AAC encoding method is used by well-known apps such as Inke, Full Name Karaoke, and NetEase Cloud Music.
1. Understand the principle of sound from analog signal to digital signal
2.PCM encoding analysis
3.AAC encoding principle
4. The structure of AAC files
5. The difference between soft-coding FFmpeg and hard-coding audio
6. Using hard-coding to encode audio
7. Capturing media Data, how to distinguish audio and video data
8. Use FFmpeg to synthesize H264 files and AAC files into MP4 containers