You can't scrape it off, because the signature column of the credit card is very important. When many cardholders swipe their cards in the mall, the cashier in the mall should check the signature of the consumption document with the signature on the back of the bank card or credit card to see if it is consistent. At the same time, when the cardholder withdraws money from the ATM of the bank and swallows the card, the bank staff can also check the signature on the back of the credit card with the signature on the register if the identity of the owner cannot be verified, so as to handle the card refund business. In addition, once the bank card is stolen, the signature content and handwriting also help to prove that the person is not spending by credit card.
Financial Direct Call reminds you to sign your name in the signature column on the back of the card as soon as you receive it. The font should be consistent with the usual signature, and try to avoid too neat font, otherwise it will be easily imitated.