Ask Lao Lang for this guitar score. Pray for the great gods.
-Band: Arranged by Lao Lang (reproduced from the source): (provided)-. Enjoy love while you are young, dearest, there is still a long way to go. Let's be together. Let me song for you, give me your innocent smile. We should have a happy, happy and sunny time. Let me song for you me and touch you with my passionate feelings. Is time memorable and memorable? Shy red face |-g |-g-| AM7-||| Want to sing me to you |-|-D7 |||||||| Decorate your years | My bud |-g |-G-| AM7-|||||| Who can replace you |||| | | Love while you are young. It's a long way. Let's get together-||||-G-| AM7-||||||| I'll sing my song for you |||-D7-|-G. We should be-| happy-| happy-| sunny time | |-AM7-|| I'll sing my song for you |-D7-| Years are worth remembering.