The implementation process of RSA algorithm is complicated, including key generation, encryption, decryption and other steps. In the key generation stage, it is necessary to randomly select two large prime numbers to calculate N=p*q, and then select an integer e as the public key, so that e and (p- 1)(q- 1) are coprime. Then use the extended Euclidean algorithm to calculate D, so that ED =1(mod (p-1) (q-1)) and D is the private key. In the encryption stage, the sender uses the public key of the receiver to encrypt the information, and the receiver uses its own private key to decrypt the information. In the decryption stage, the encrypted information is decrypted by using the private key to recover the original information. Although RSA algorithm has high security, it also has some weaknesses. For example, there may be loopholes in the key generation stage, which will lead to the disclosure of private keys, thus undermining the security of information. Therefore, we need to pay attention to security issues in practical applications.