2. Pay attention to the national flag with dignity. The flag-raising ceremony is a very serious and grand ceremony. People present should pay attention and look up at the national flag of Ran Ran. Pay attention to your eyes when you pay attention to the ceremony. Always look at the national flag, and your eyes will rise with the national flag Ran Ran. At this time, everyone's heart is full of pride and sense of mission. This process will last until the flag-raising ceremony is completed.
3. Keep quiet during the flag-raising ceremony. During the flag-raising ceremony, all people should stand still. No one should walk back and forth in the stadium, nor should they look around, whisper, laugh, answer the phone and eat, which is a great disrespect to the national flag.
4. Pay attention to manners when raising the national flag. The national flag symbolizes the dignity of a country. A person's respect for the national flag should be reflected not only in his heart, but also in his manners. When raising the national flag, the manners are: stand upright, hold your chest high, droop your hands close to your sides, stand at attention, and always move your eyes with the national flag.
5. Gather in the playground early and attend the morning meeting on time. Students who are late must stand still when the national anthem is played, and can only enter the venue after the national flag is raised. According to the class dressing the, backpacks and satchels are not allowed to attend the morning meeting. Students who feel unwell and need to leave the playground during the morning meeting should leave from both sides of the playground.