The articles of association may be amended, which shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law and the articles of association. Amendments to the Articles of Association must be approved by shareholders representing more than two thirds of the voting rights.
According to Item 10 and Item 2 of Paragraph 1 of Article 37 of the Company Law, the shareholders' meeting shall exercise the following functions and powers: amend the articles of association.
Where the shareholders unanimously agree to the matters listed in the preceding paragraph in writing, they may make a decision directly without convening a general meeting of shareholders, and all shareholders shall sign and seal the decision document.
Article 43 stipulates that the shareholders' meeting shall make a resolution to amend the Articles of Association, increase or decrease the registered capital, and the resolution of merger, division, dissolution or change of corporate form of the company must be passed by shareholders representing more than two thirds of the voting rights.
Legal objectivity:
company law
Article 37
The shareholders' meeting shall exercise the following functions and powers:
(10) Amending the Articles of Association.
Where the shareholders unanimously agree to the matters listed in the preceding paragraph in writing, they may make a decision directly without convening a general meeting of shareholders, and all shareholders shall sign and seal the decision document.
company law
Article 43
The shareholders' meeting shall make resolutions on amending the Articles of Association, increasing or decreasing the registered capital, and on the merger, division, dissolution or change of corporate form of the company, which must be approved by shareholders representing more than two thirds of the voting rights.