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How to open asc file
What is an asc file? The file format of asc is introduced as follows: the file with the suffix asc is an ASP file, and ActiveServerPage(ASP) is a programming environment in which HTML, scripting language and components can be mixed to create a powerful Internet application on the server side. How ASP works: When ASP functions are integrated into a website, the following will happen: 1. The user calls up the content of the site, and the default page extension is. Asp .2. The browser requests an ASP file from the server. 3. The server-side script starts running ASP. 4.ASP files are processed from top to bottom, script commands are executed, and HTML page contents are executed. 5. Send the page information to the browser. It can be modified by a text-enabled editor or web designer. The icon in asc format is as follows: What is asc file and how to open asc file is as follows: ASC file summary ASC file is associated with nine file types and can be viewed through MozillaThunderbird developed by Mozilla. Overall, this format is associated with 37 known software applications. They usually exist in PGP (pretty good privacy) asciiarmordfile file format. In most cases, these files are regarded as coded files, but they can also be text files or developer files.

ASC files can be found on mobile and desktop platforms, and can be opened in Windows, Mac and Linux. The popularity of ASC files is "low". This means that they are not common on most devices.

Interested in learning more about ASC file extensions? We recommend that you check the detailed file information below for the software used to open ASC files and other troubleshooting tips.

ASC type Nine known file types use this extension PGP (a pretty good copy). asciarimoredfileasciitextautodeskasciiexportfileadobeflashactionscriptcommunicationfileltspeccircuitschematicfile 3d studio max dasciisceneatarijaguars Ou nd patch file Atlantic word processor spellchecker file chief ASC description ASC file extension:. ASC course: PGP (pretty good privacy) ASCII armored file An ASC file is usually used as an armored ASCII file for PGP (good privacy), which contains digital signatures and information written in plain text. It can also include binary information encoded as text, and it can also include keys verified only by PGP authentication method.

Author: SymantecCorporation Type: encoding file location: HKEY _ class _ root. asc Software program to open PGP (pretty good privacy) ASIARMOREDO file:

MozillaThunderbird (software environment: Windows) (software environment: Mac) PGPDesktop (software environment: Windows) (software environment: Mac) Gpg4win (software environment: Wi) initiated by GPG4Win (software environment: MAC). GnuPG (software environment: Windows) Android Debian rpmrisvsmosxelcapitan other asc file associations developed by LinuxGnupgProject. ASC file extension:. ASC course: ASCIITextASC files are stored as plain text files in ASC format. ASC is the abbreviation of american standard code for information interchange code.

Author: SublimeHQPtyLtd Category: Text file software program to open ASCIIText file:

MicrosoftNotepad developed by MicrosoftCorporation.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) Notepad++ was developed by Linuxdonho.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) MacroMatesTextMate developed by Linux Macromaterials.

Compatibility: (software environment: MAC) Vim developed by Brammoolenaar.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) MicrosoftWordPad developed by Linux Unixosxlcapitan Microsoft Corporation.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) Gedit developed by GNOME.


AppleTextEdit developed by LinuxApple.

Compatibility: (software environment: Mac)ES-Computing EditPlus developed by ES-Computing.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) DimenzoTextEditor developed by Dimenzo, Inc.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows)SublimeHQPtyLtd developed by SublimeHQPtyLtd.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: Mac) Atom developed by MAC) Linux Github, Inc.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) TextWrangler developed by Linux Barberbone Software.

Compatibility: (Software environment: MAC) Bean developed by James Hoover.

Compatibility: (Software environment: MAC) Notepad2 is developed by open source.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) Geany was developed by Geanyauthors.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) The development context of Linux SolarisFreeBSDnetBSDopenbContext Project.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) NoteTab developed by Fook Software.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) written by hamster coders!

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) NFOViewer developed by Microsoft.


Leaf board developed in

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) Vi developed by linuxdebianfreebsdnetbsdopensourceforge.


UltraEdit developed by LinuxIDMComputerSolutions

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) Kate was developed by Linux KDE.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) GetDiz developed by Linux OuterTech.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows). Asc file extension:. ASC course: AutodeskASCIIExportFile The ASC file related to Autodesk is a text file, which contains the information of geometric shapes and points exported by various programs of Autodesk. It saves data in text format and is also compatible with other programs.

Author: Autodesk, Inc category: text file software program for opening AutodeskASCIIExportFile file:

MicrosoftNotepad developed by MicrosoftCorporation.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) MacroMatesTextMate developed by Linux Macromaterials.

Compatibility: (software environment: MAC) Vim developed by Brammoolenaar.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) ES-ComputingEditPlus developed by Linux UnixosxelCapitanes-Computing.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) BBEdit of quasi-system software development.

Compatibility: (Software environment: MAC) Bean developed by James Hoover.

Compatibility: (Software environment: MAC) Notepad2 is developed by open source.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) Geany was developed by Geanyauthors.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) The development context of Linux SolarisFreeBSDnetBSDopenbContext Project.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) NoteTab developed by Fook Software.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) written by hamster coders!

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) Vi was developed by SourceForge.


UltraEdit developed by LinuxIDMComputerSolutions

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) Kate was developed by Linux KDE.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: Mac)Linux.asc file extension:. ASC course: Adobe Flash script communication file ACS file can also be a communication file or a script written in ActionScript programming language. This file type contains codes such as Flash application and streaming media content, which is executed by the host software of FlashMediaServer and is mainly used for loading.

Author: AdobeSystemsIncorporated Category: developer file software program that opens Adobe Flash action script communication file:

Adobe Animation 2017 was developed by AdobeSystemsIncorporated.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) AdobeDreamweaver developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows) (software environment: MAC) AdobeMediaServer developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows)Linux.asc file extension:. ASC course: file extension related to LTspice circuit simulation application LTspiceCircuitSchematicFileACS. It contains CAD drawings of circuit diagrams created by this program, which can include layout, symbols and connections.

Author: LinearTechnology category: CAD file software program opens LTspiceCircuitSchematicFile

LTspice developed by LinearTechnology.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows)OSXElCapitan.asc file extension:. ASC course: 3DStudioMax dasciiscene ASC file extension is an animation program developed by Autodesk with 3d studio max. Autodesk can develop ASC file format, which makes it easier to exchange 3D data between 3D modeling applications. It contains ASCII format and can be opened by any text editor, but only by programs that support ASC file extensions.

Author: Autodesk, Inc Category: Software programs for opening 3D image files:

Autodesk3dsMax developed by Autodesk company.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows). Asc file extension:. ASC course: AtariJaguarSoundPatchFile This ASC file was also released by Atari Jaguar in 1993, and the sound patch of Jaguar synthesizer was saved as the ASCII version of video game machine. This is a source code file containing MADMAC, which is usually used for Jaguar synthesizers and music drivers.

Author: AtariCorporation Category: Audio file software program to open AtariJaguarSoundPatchFile file:

AtariJaguar was developed by AtariCorporation.


AtariTOS.asc file extension:. ASC course: Atlantis word processor, used to create rich-format text applications, save files with ASC file extensions, and check spelling.

Author: RisingSunSolutions category: data file software program, used to open spellchecklerfile file of Atlantic word processor;

AtlantisWordProcessor developed by RisingSunSolutions.

Compatibility: (software environment: Windows). Asc file extension:. ASC course: ApohysisScriptFile This ASC file extension is related to Apohysis, which is used to design and render flame shapes, and is only related to Windows programs. It stores the command sequences of most programs.

Author: OpenSource category: abnormal file software program to open ApohysisScriptFile file:

The prominence of open source development

Compatibility: (Software environment: Windows) Troubleshooting ASC files The trouble of opening ASC files does not exist in MozillaThunderbird. When you try to open an ASC file, you will receive the error "Cannot open ASC file type". Usually, this is because you don't have %%os%% MozillaThunderbird. The typical path to open ASC by double-clicking doesn't work because %%os%% can't establish a program connection.

Tip: If you know any other software for opening ASC files, you can click the "Show Application" button to select it.

The wrong version of MozillaThunderbird is installed. Due to incompatibility, your version of MozillaThunderbird may not be able to open the PGP (pretty good privacy) asciiarmoredo file. Download the latest MozillaThunderbird version from Mozilla website and make sure the correct version is installed. This problem mainly occurs when your PGP (pretty good privacy) asciarmoredofile is created by a newer version of MozillaThunderbird on your computer.

Tip: Sometimes you can get a tip about the ASC file version by right-clicking the file and clicking Properties (Windows) or Get Information (MacOSX).

In any case, most ASC file opening problems are related to not installing the correct version of MozillaThunderbird.

Other reasons for opening ASC files Even if the latest version of MozillaThunderbird is installed on your computer, you will still encounter errors when opening ASC files. When opening ASC, there may be external problems inside %%os%% that cause these errors. These other questions include (in order of most common to least common):

The file reference in ASC's Windows registry is wrong. The ASC file has been deleted from the registry by mistake, which means that MozillaThunderbird or other ASC-related programs were destroyed during the installation. Your ASC is negatively affected by malware. ASC-related hardware has device drivers, and your computer doesn't have enough system resources to open PGP(PrettyGoodPriva). Cy) What is asc file in ascIIArmoredFile format, and how to open ASC file for extended reading. ASC file extension 5 The file type uses ASC file extension 1. PGP to encrypt file 2. Autodesk3DASCII export file 3. ActionScript communication script 4. LTspice simulation circuit schematic file 5. ASCII text file text PGP, the developer of Type 1PGP encrypted files, seldom uses the format file suffix. Asc file classification what file is an encrypted file ASC? ASC file is an encrypted file used by encryption software PGP (Pretty Goodcopy). The standard analysis is PGParmore File, which is PGPArmoredFile, which means the file used by PGP's powerful protection function. It contains digitally signed messages and can store written information in plain text and binary information encoded as text. The ASC file also contains a key, which can be verified by PGP authentication method.

ASC file extension information PGP(PrettyGoodPrivacy) is a mail encryption software based on RSA public key encryption system. You can use it to keep your email confidential to prevent unauthorized people from reading it, and it can also digitally sign your email so that the recipient can be sure that it was sent by you. It allows you to communicate safely with people you have never met, without any secret channels to deliver the key in advance.

ASC files are usually used to publish online security notices and transmit messages securely by email and text.

Note: In 20 10, Symantec acquired PGP and integrated it into the company's security business.

MIME type application /pgp

How to open ASC file? If you can't open ASC files on your computer, there may be many reasons. The most common and main reason is that your computer doesn't have software to open ASC files. Windows system will pop up a prompt box: "To open this file, Windows needs to know which program opened it." The simplest and most direct solution is to download and install the appropriate software to open ASC files.

A software program that can open ASC files.