The manual touch-screen pen is made as follows:
1. Take out the refill of the ballpoint pen and leave only the pen holder for use.
2. Cut the cotton-covered part of the head of the cotton swab.
3. Put the cotton swab head into the pen, leave the cotton swab head outside and tighten the pen.
4. wrap the tin foil on the pen tip, tighten the tin foil and keep the pen tip flat.
5. Fix it with adhesive tape, and wrap the pen tightly with aluminum foil.
6. Finally, the joint is wrapped tightly with adhesive tape, and the homemade touch pen is made.
stylus pen is a small pen-shaped tool, which is used to input commands to computer screens, mobile devices, drawing boards and other devices with touch screens. Users can click the touch screen with the stylus to select files or drawings. Touch the touch screen installed at the front of the display with your fingers or other objects.
then the system locates the selection information according to the icon or menu position touched by the finger. The touch screen is composed of a touch detection part and a touch screen controller. For the convenience of operation, people use touch screen instead of mouse or keyboard when working; The touch detection part is installed in front of the display screen, and is used for detecting the touch position of the user and sending it to the touch screen controller.
The main function of the touch screen controller is to receive touch information from the touch point detection device, convert it into contact coordinates, and then send it to the CPU. At the same time, it can receive commands sent by the CPU and execute them.