(1) bomb bomb; Climbing; Comb comb; Bread crumbs; Dumb is dumb; Lamb lamb; Physical brothers and sisters; Number number; Thum b b b thumb; Grave. Grave.
(2) Debt; Suspect the suspect.
The letter B in these two words was imposed on English in the Middle Ages and corresponded to Latin, and B never appeared in English pronunciation. G is pronounced when the letter combination gm/gn formed by G before M and N is at the beginning or end of a word. Over time, the /g/ sound disappeared, but the original spelling remained. In the following words, the letter g is silent:
Align queues; Design design;
Nodular; Mosquitoes and flies;
Examples; Dynasty rule;
Resignation; Symbol symbol;
* When GM/gn is not at the beginning or end of a word, the letter G must still be pronounced. For example:
Signature signature; Name name;
The /x/ sound in Germanic language is represented by the letter combination gh in old English. With the development of language, the fricative /x/ disappears, and the vowels in front of gh become longer (which is why the vowels in front of gh often sound long), but the spelling symbol gh of /x/ sound remains. In modern English, gh is often not pronounced before T. For example:
Fusarium wilt; Bright and bright;
Branches, branches; Be caught;
Daughter's daughter; Dough dough;
Eight; Fight;
Flight flight; Freight goods;
Fear is fear; Height height;
A faint light; Possibility;
Should should; Straight;
Right is correct; Thought;
Weight. weight. When the silent letter H is combined with prefix, suffix (sometimes in the name) and G, R, W (sometimes T), the letter H is often silent:
(1) at the beginning of the word:
Heir; heir; Family heirloom;
Herbs; Honesty and integrity;
Honor and reputation; Hours;
(2) at the end of the word:
Muculitis; Oh, oh;
(3) Between the lines:
Exhibition; Intense and enthusiastic;
Vehicles, vehicles; John John;
Prohibition; Shepherd; shepherd;
(4) In letter combinations such as gn, rh, wh (sometimes th), it is eerie; Jewish slums; Ghosts; Rhino's rhinoceros; Rhinestones, rhinestones; Rhyme; Rhythm rhythm; Thailand; What what; Wheat wheat; Why? The kn letter combination formed by K before N. When English and Germanic are similar in pronunciation, both K and N are pronounced. As a result of the evolution of English pronunciation, the /k/ sound has fallen off, but the spelling remains. K is not pronounced in the following common words:
Know-how technology; Backpack mountaineering backpack;
Knees, knees; Kneel down;
Knife knife; Knitting (sweater);
Knob spherical handle; Knock, knock;
Knot; Know know;
Knowledge, knowledge.
●9 Dumb letter L: When the letter L comes after the vowel letter A or O and before the auxiliary letters F, V, K and M, L is usually silent, such as:
Calf calf; Half and half;
Calm is calm; Palm palm, coconut;
Have a chat; Walking;
Folk people; Egg yolk; When the letter n is located after m and at the end of the word, n is silent. Common words are:
Autumn autumn; Cylindrical cylinder;
Condemn and condemn; A hymn/hymn;
Solemn. Most of the words that start or end with pn, ps and pt pb in English come from Greek words that represent science or literature. In modern English, the letter p is no longer pronounced;
(1)pn combination:
Pneumatic air; Pneumonia in Europe
(2)ps combination:
A hymn/hymn; Pen name;
Psychologist; psychologist
(3)pt combination:
Ptomaine ptomaine ptomaine; Receipt receipt;
(4) pb combination: when the letter S of cupboard (1) appears after I and before L, it is often silent:
Aisle passage; Isle island;
Island island; viscount
② French words ending in s.
Debris; Rendezvous tryst letter t is often silent after s and before en:
Busy is busy; Castle castle;
In a hurry; Fasten;
Listen, listen; Shining;
Often; Softening and softening;
Bouquet bouquet; Mortgage loan; In the letter combination of wr and wh, the letter w is often silent:
Sword; Two or two;
Who (nominative); Who (objective);
Whose is whose; Parcel parcel;
Garland wreath; Crash and crash;
Wrench twisting; Wrestling wrestling;
Twist; Wrinkles and wrinkles;
Write and write; Wrong;
Forging succeeded. Dating tryst