1. If the divided property is not completely owned by the two brothers, and the other owners do not agree to the division, it cannot be divided by the two brothers alone. First of all, we must analyze the property. The divided property belonging to the two brothers can be divided.
2. If the parents are alive and the divided property belongs to the parents, and the parents agree to be divided by two brothers, the parents shall sign a division agreement as the parties.
3. If one parent dies, the inheritance should be carried out first, and then divided. If the family property is divided between the two brothers, the rights of other heirs to inherit their parents' inheritance cannot be violated. The separation of brothers does not necessarily require the division of property according to law. Whether to divide the family according to law shall be decided by family members through consultation. Moreover, in the process of living together as a family unit, if there is no confusion between each other's property income, there will be no property division at the time of divorce, because children have no right to forcibly divide their parents' legal property. When dividing family property, we should distinguish between family property and personal property of family members. Property division can only be the division of family property, and personal property belonging to family members does not belong to the category of division.
The separation agreement needs to be signed by both parties. If the divided property belongs to the same property, the signature of the owner is generally required. But according to local customs, it can also be signed by the man's representative. As long as it doesn't infringe on the interests of the woman.
Legal basis: Civil Code (20211Implementation) stipulates that: Article 105 Husband and wife have equal status in marriage and family.