Check the date and time: SSL certificates can only be used within the validity period. If the date or time of your computer is incorrect, it will lead to SSL error. Please make sure that the date and time of your computer are accurate.
Clear cache and cookies: Sometimes browser cache or cookies can cause SSL errors. Try clearing the browser cache and Cookie, and then reload the webpage.
Disable security software: Firewall and antivirus software in some security software may interfere with SSL connection, resulting in SSL error. Try temporarily disabling these softwares, and then try browsing the web again.
Change the browser: Sometimes the browser version is too old or has errors, which will lead to SSL errors. Try a different browser, such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge.
Check the website's URL: Sometimes the wrong URL is entered or the opened website is attacked by hackers, which will also lead to SSL errors. Please carefully check the website address and try to visit well-known and reliable websites.
Install the latest root certificate: sometimes the root certificate is no longer trusted, which can also lead to SSL errors. Please try to install the latest root certificate, which can be downloaded from the browser or SSL certificate authority official website.