Run the winchat command--------XP comes with LAN chat
If you want to use the Winchat program normally, you need to ensure sending and receiving!!!Both parties!! ! The two services "Network DDE" and "Network DDE DSDM" have been turned on in the system. If they are not turned on, you can find the corresponding services in "Start" → "Control Panel" → "Management Tools" → "Services". And right-click and select "Start".
Enter the "Winchat" command in the "Run" window and press Enter. Winchat's "Chat" window will open. The upper half of the pane is used to send messages, and the lower half is used to send messages. The pane is used to receive text. When you want to chat, click the first button on the left side of the toolbar. The "Select Computer" window will open. In the text box after "Computer", enter the IP address of the computer you want to chat with or "\\the other party's machine" Name", or select the name of the computer you want to communicate with in the list below "Select Computer"), and finally click "OK" to start calling the other party. When the word "Chat" appears in the main window of the called party, just click on the tool Click the second button on the toolbar (answer the incoming call) to start a conversation. If you want to cancel the conversation with the other party, just click the third button on the toolbar (hang up to exit the current discussion).
Start-Run-Command List
1. gpedit.msc-----Group Policy
3. Nslookup-------IP address detector
4. explorer-------Open the resource manager
5. logoff--- ------Logout command
6. tsshutdn-------60-second countdown shutdown command
7. lusrmgr.msc----Local user and Group
8. services.msc---
9. oobe/msoobe /a----Check whether XP is activated
10. notepad-- ------Open Notepad
11. cleanmgr-------Trash cleaning
12. net start messenger----Start messenger service
13. compmgmt.msc---Computer Management
14. net stop messenger-----Stop the messenger service
15. conf------ -----Start netmeeting
16. dvdplay--------DVD player
17. charmap--------Start character mapping table
18. diskmgmt.msc---Disk management utility
19. calc-----------Start the calculator
20. dfrg.msc------Disk defragmentation program
21. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk disk check
22. devmgmt.msc-- - Device Manager
23. regsvr32 /u *.dll----Stop the dll file from running
24. drwtsn32------System Doctor
25. rononce -p ----Shut down in 15 seconds
26. dxdiag---------Check DirectX information
28. Msconfig.exe-- -System Configuration Utility
30. mem.exe--------Display memory usage
31. regedit.exe----Registry
32. winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat
33. progman--------Program Manager
34. winmsd---------system information
35. perfmon.msc----computer performance monitoring program
36. winver-------- -Check Windows version
37. sfc /scannow-----Scan errors and recover
38. taskmgr-----Task Manager (2000/xp/2003
39. winver---------Check Windows version
40. wmimgmt.msc----Open Windows Management Architecture (WMI)
41. wupdmgr--------windows update program
42. wscript--------windows script host settings
43. write----------WordPad
44. winmsd---------System information
45. wiaacmgr-------Scanner and Camera Wizard
46. winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat
47. mem.exe --------Display memory usage
48. Msconfig.exe---System configuration utility program
49. mplayer2-------Simple widnows media player
50. mspaint--------Painting board
51. mstsc----------Remote Desktop Connection
52. mplayer2-------Media player
53. magnify--------Magnifying glass utility
54. mmc---- --------Open the console
55. mobsync--------Synchronization command
56. dxdiag--------- Check DirectX information
57. drwtsn32------ System Doctor
58. devmgmt.msc--- Device Manager
59. dfrg. msc-------Disk defragmentation program
60. diskmgmt.msc---Disk management utility program
61. dcomcnfg-------Open the system Component services
62. ddeshare------Open DDE*** sharing settings
64. net stop messenger-----Stop the messenger service
65. net start messenger----Start the messenger service
66. notepad--------Open Notepad
67. nslookup---- ---Tool Wizard for Network Management
68. ntbackup-------System Backup and Restore
69. Narrator-------Screen "Narrator" ”
70. ntmsmgr.msc----Mobile Storage Manager
71. ntmsoprq.msc---Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
72 . netstat -an----(TC) command to check the interface
73. syncapp--------Create a briefcase
74. sysedit---- ----System Configuration Editor
75. sigverif-------File signature verification program
76. sndrec32-------Audio recorder
77. shrpubw--------Create a shared folder
78. secpol.msc-----Local security policy
79 . syskey---------System encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be decrypted, double password to protect Windows XP system
80. services.msc---Local service settings
81. Sndvol32-------Volume Control Program
82. sfc.exe--------System File Checker
83. sfc /scanno
w---windows file protection
85. tourstart------xp introduction (the tour xp program that appears after the installation is completed)
86. taskmgr----- ---Task Manager
87. eventvwr-------Event Viewer
88. eudcedit-------Word Creation Program
89. explorer-------Open the resource manager
90. packager-------Object packaging program
91. perfmon.msc- ---Computer performance monitoring program
92. progman--------Program Manager
93. regedit.exe----Registry
94. rsop.msc-------Group Policy Result Set
95. regedt32-------Registry Editor
97. regsvr32 /u *.dll----Stop dll file operation
98. regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------Cancel ZIP support
99. cmd.exe- -------CMD command prompt
100. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk disk check
101. certmgr.msc----Practical certificate management Program
102. calc-----------Start the calculator
103. charmap--------Start the character mapping table
104. cliconfg-------SQL SERVER client network utility
105. Clipbrd--------Clipboard viewer
106. conf-----------Start netmeeting
107. compmgmt.msc---Computer Management
108. cleanmgr------- Garbage sorting
109. ciadv.msc------Index service program
110. osk------------Open the on-screen keyboard
p>111. odbcad32-------ODBC data source manager
112. oobe/msoobe /a----Check whether XP is activated
113 . lusrmgr.msc----Local users and groups
114. logoff---------Logout command
115. iexpress------ -Trojan horse bundle tool, comes with the system
116. Nslookup-------IP address detector
117. fsmgmt.msc-----*** Shared Folder Manager
118. utilman--------Auxiliary Tool Manager
119. gpedit.msc-----Group Policy