Master of Computer Management
Conference-start a network conference
Charmap- start the character mapping table
Calculator-start the calculator
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
Cmd.exe-CMD command prompt
Certmgr.msc-certificate management tool
Cliconfg-SQL SERVER client network utility
Clipbrd- clipboard viewer
CIA dv. MSC- indexing service program
Dvdplay-DVD player
Diskmgmt. MSC- disk management tool
Disk defragmenter
device manager
Drwtsn 32- system doctor
Dxdiag- check DirectX information
Open system component service
DDE share-- Open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
Browser–Opens the browser.
Eventvwr-- Event Viewer
Eudcedit- word-building program
Fsmgmt.msc-*** * Enjoy the Folder Manager
Gpedit. MSC- group policy
Getmac generates network card information
Ipconfig /all view ip details.
Ipconfig /release releases ip.
Ipconfig /renew reacquires ip.
Logout-Logout command
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Mstsc-- Remote Desktop Connection
Msconfig. exe- System Configuration Utility
Mem. exe- displays the memory usage (if the direct operation fails, you can run cmd first and enter Mem.exe at the command prompt. D:a.txt is mspaint-drawing board.
Mplayer 2-–Media Player
Magnifying glass tool
Mmc—-Open the console.
Synchronization command
Notepad-Open Notepad
Net user * * * (username) * * * (password)/Add user.
Network User User Name/Dell Delete User
Net start messenger-- start the messenger service.
Stop the messenger service.
Stop the messenger service.
Net start messenger-- start the messenger service.
Notepad-Open Notepad
Nslookup-- Network Management Tools Wizard
Ntbackup-- system backup and recovery
Narrator–On-screen Narrator
Ntmsmgr.msc-Mobile Storage Manager
Ntmoprq. MSC- Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
The netstat-an-(TC) command checks the interface.
NSLookup–IP address detector
Oobe/msoobe/a- Check whether windows is activated.
Osk—-Open the on-screen keyboard
Odbcad32-ODBC data source manager
project manager
Perfmon. MSC-- computer performance monitoring program
Wrapper-Object Wrapper
Rononce-p–15 seconds off.
Regsvr32/u *。 Dll–Stop running the DLL file (replace the * sign with the name of the DLL file to be stopped).
Regedt32-- Registry Editor
Rsop.msc-Group Policy Result Set
Regsvr 32/U ZIP fldr. dll- cancel ZIP support.
Sndrec 32–recorder
Services. MSC- local service settings
Syncapp-Create Briefcase
System configuration editor
File signature verifier
Slmgr.vbs -dli-View the detailed version number of Windows 7.
/-ipk (product key) Install the product key
/-dlv displays license information
/-ato activates Windows.
/-Expiration date of /-xpr's current license
/-cpky clears the product key from the registry (to prevent attacks caused by disclosure)
/-ilc (license file) installation license
/-upk uninstalls the product key
/-skms (name [:port]) batch authorization
There are too many options for this command.
Sndrec 32–recorder
SHR pubw- Create * * * Shared Folder
Sec pol. MSC- local security policy
System Key-System Encryption
Snd vol 32- volume control program
system file checker
Sfc /scannow-windows file protection (scan error and recovery)
Tsshutdn–60-second countdown shutdown command
Taskmgr- task manager
Utliman-Assistant Tool Manager
Winchat-bring your own LAN chat tool
Winmsd- system information
Winver- check the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open windows Management Architecture (WMI).
Wupdmgr-windows update (don't open it if it's not a genuine system)
Wscript.exe-windows Script Host Settings
writting tablet
Wiaacmgr-- Scanner and Camera Wizard