Outlook supports signature, but the date is added to the signature by using Word field, so when you create an email, you can't automatically update it to the current system date, and you have to press F9 to update it, which is very inconvenient, because I wrote a script with VBA to automatically add the signature content to meet the needs of users, and the date can automatically extract the current date.
Outlook macro security must be set to low.
If anyone is interested, you can operate in the following ways:
1. Open outlook and cancel the original signature.
2. Display menu (Tools-Macro-Visual Basic Editor)
3. In the editor that appears, select ThisOutlookSession from the left, and the right should be blank by default.
4. Copy the following code to the right:
Dim myOlApp as a new prospect. app; application
Privatewithevents myospectors as Outlook. inspector
As a private myMailItem for Outlook. Mail item
Function signature in string form ()
Mark a date as a date
MDate = format (now "yyyy-MM-dd")
Signature = " & ltfont size=2 >
Signature = signature & amp“& ltp>? & lt/p >;
Signature = signature & "& ltpstyle =" "font-size:10px" ""> & amp "& ltbr/>
Signature = signature & "Salute! & lt/p >;
Signature = signature & "& ltpstyle =" "font-size:10px" ""> Shang Deming
Signature = signature & "/-<; br />
Signature = signature & "? Germany beifu automation co., ltd. Shanghai representative office
Signature = signature & "A supplement. :? 5/F, No.0/63, Shibei Industrial Park, Jiangchang 3rd Road, Shanghai (200436? )& ltbr />
Signature = signature & "Phone:? 02 1-663 12666-837; br />
Signature = signature & "Fax:? 02 1-663 15696 & lt; br />
Signature = Signature & "Mail:? & lta href = " " " mailto:d . Shang @ beckhoff . com . cn " " " " & gt; d.shang@beckhoff.com.cn & lt/a & gt; & ltbr />
Signature = signature & amp" Web:? & lta href = " " " "/" " " & gt; www.beckhoff.com.cn & lt/a & gt; & ltbr />
Signature = signature & "? & lta href = " " " "/" " " & gt; www.pc-control.net & lt/a & gt; & ltbr />
Signature = signature & "? & lta href = " " " http://www . ether cat . org/" " " " & gt; www.ethercat.org & lt/a & gt; ? & lt/p >;
Signature = signature & "< span & gt/-< /span >;
Signature = signature & amp“& lt/font >
End function
Private sub-application _Startup ()
Get a signature
Set myOlInspectors = myOlApp. inspector
End joint
private Sub myOlInspectors _ new Inspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
Set myMailItem = Inspector. Current project
Use myMailItem
. HTMLBody = Signature()
If it is outlook 2007, please comment out this line.
End with ...
End joint
The middle part is the signed HTML content, which can be modified according to your own needs.
5. Save and exit. Restart outlook and set it to low in Tools-Macros-Security.
In the future, new messages will use the signature content set in the code.