1. Header of voucher: indicate "prepaid living expenses" at the header of voucher.
2. Prepaid amount: indicate the prepaid amount in the middle of the voucher, and indicate the amount in words and figures.
3. Borrower information: indicate the borrower's name, ID number and other information in the lower left corner of the voucher.
4. Repayment date: indicate the repayment date in the lower right corner of the voucher, and indicate the loan term and start and end dates.
5. Signature and date: The borrower and the approver respectively sign the bottom of the voucher, press their handprints and indicate the date of signature.
6. Voucher tail: indicate the voucher number, specific purpose, voucher page number and other information.
It should be noted that the voucher for prepaid living expenses should be written by the borrower himself, not by others. At the same time, we should pay attention to the writing norms in the writing process to ensure that the contents of the vouchers are clear and identifiable.