The general process for uniapp to develop apps and publish them to the iOS platform is as follows:
1. Execute the command: npmrunbuild:ios in the root directory of the uniapp project to generate the native projects required for iOS.
2. Enter the generated ios directory and use Xcode to open the project file (.xcworkspace suffix) in the directory.
3. Select the appropriate device (simulator or real device) in Xcode.
4. Ensure that the signature (Signing&Capabilities) in the project settings is configured correctly, including selecting the correct developer account and configuring the ProvisioningProfile.
5. Click the "Run" button in Xcode to install the application on the iOS device or simulator.
6. If everything is normal, you can select "Product"->"Archive" in Xcode to generate the App archive file.
7. Select "UploadtoAppStore" in Xcode's "Organizer" and upload the application to AppStoreConnect.
8. Complete operations such as listing the application in AppStoreConnect.
9. After the application is approved by Apple, the application will be launched on the AppStore.
Please note that you must follow Apple's regulations during the publishing process, including following AppStoreReviewGuidelines and compliant privacy policies.
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