Attn XX means that someone should pay attention and know these things. The full form is Attention...but you must understand that the short form Attn is not used casually. For example, when writing to a bank, no matter what Which manager or director should be written? The letter will still go through general receipt, registration, and review by the general manager's office (probably just the general manager's chief secretary), and then be separated. There is a certain degree of difficulty in the separation, and the processing will inevitably be slow. . Therefore, people who are experienced in business affairs will mostly indicate who they want to handle the matter before Dear Sirs, such as Attn: Mr. ABC, Bills Department. The purpose is to facilitate the other party's negotiation, rather than disrespectfully teaching the other party how to deal with it. To handle their business, that's why there is Attn... After using Attn, the receptionist can only write Dear Sirss. The first time Attn is the full name and detailed address of the recipient company; the next payment must be Yours faithfully, and indicate it under the signature. The name and position of the signer. Business correspondence is not a place for creativity. Just follow the custom and add: 1. If there is a dot (.) after ATTN, it means that it is an abbreviation. It usually appears in business letters and is English ATTENTION ( Note); 2. If there is no dot after it and it is in capital letters, it may be an international organization, that is, the acronym of AIDS Therapeutic Treatment Now
Many contracts only stipulate the main terms of the transaction between the two par