Article 134 of the Civil Code stipulates that a self-made will shall be written by the testator, signed and marked with the year, month and day.
Article 143 stipulates that a will made by a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct is invalid.
A will must express the true meaning of the testator, and a will made by fraud or coercion is invalid.
Forged wills are invalid.
If the will is tampered with, the tampered contents are invalid.
legal ground
In Article 134 of the Civil Code, a self-written will is written and signed by the testator, indicating the year, month and day.
Article 143 A will made by a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct is invalid.
A will must express the true meaning of the testator, and a will made by fraud or coercion is invalid.
Forged wills are invalid.
If the will is tampered with, the tampered contents are invalid.