1. You can transfer the funds in your bank card to someone else's bank card at the bank counter. The operation method is as follows:
1. Bank card holders bring their ID cards and bank cards with transfer funds to the counter in the bank service hall.
2. Fill in the transfer and remittance documents at the counter, mainly including the transfer amount in words, the payee's bank card number and the sender's personal signature. Give the remittance documents and the money to be transferred to the bank teller, and give the ID card to the bank teller.
3. After confirming the identity of the transferor, the bank teller starts to count the transfer amount, check the authenticity of the transfer amount and transfer the transfer amount to the payee's bank card.
Second, you can bind the bank card to Alipay first, and then transfer the funds to someone else's bank card. The steps of binding are as follows:
1, turn on Alipay. Click "My" in the lower right corner of Alipay to enter the personal account page. Look down on the personal account page and find the "bank card" option.