How to jailbreak iPhone 9.32 is as follows. But it is recommended that you try it with caution.
1. First, confirm whether your 32-bit device supports this jailbreak. Connect the device to iTunes with a data cable, click on the device to enter the information summary page, click on the red box as shown three times to view the device model. The right side displays the firmware version. After collecting these two pieces of information, compare the device model and firmware version to see if your 32-bit device supports iOS9 jailbreak. Please do not try if it is not the following device.
2. Before jailbreaking, it is common practice to back up your data in advance, just in case.
3. Unzip and run Cydia Impactor.
4. Connect the iOS device to the computer (an iTunes environment is required) and wait for Cydia Impactor to recognize the device.
5. Drag the downloaded ipa tool into Cydia impactor.
6. At this time, you need to enter the password of your Apple account and apply for a temporary certificate (valid for 7 days).
7. At this time, Cydia impactor will sign the App first, and then automatically install the signed App to your phone. No operation is required during this period, please wait patiently. Then you will see an app named "Home Depot" on the desktop. When you open it for the first time, you will be prompted to trust the certificate. You need to trust the certificate in "Settings>>General>>Profile and Device Management" before it can be opened normally.
8. Open "Home Depot" and click "Enable Jailbreak".
9. When the following interface appears, select “Use Provided Offsets” to start the jailbreak. If this option does not appear, it may be because some devices cannot read the data. Click "Specify Custom Offsets" to manually enter the offset. To obtain the offset, you can visit the developer's website, which already has some offsets submitted by users. After copying, posting and saving it, you can start jailbreaking.
10. Wait patiently for a while, the device will automatically restart, and you can usually see cydia. If cydia does not appear, click "Home Depot" again and repeat steps 8 and 9. The jailbreak is considered successful until cydia appears.
11. After successfully jailbreaking, you can run cydia to load data, and add the source to install useful plug-ins.