This Shell script is used in the workspace source code project of build and XCode, and exported as a signable IPA file, which is used to distribute test installation files and files submitted to appstore for review. Realize the configuration management of auxiliary product development and testing.
The following environment is required to use this script.
- Mac OS 10.9+
-XCode 6.0 or later and command line tools
-Used for workspace projects, such as those managed by the Cocoapods dependency library.
-* Configure the development certificate and ad ho certificate (for debugging) and (for publishing).
-Configure the scheme name and build in the source code project.
-Set the certificate name for debugging configuration and publishing configuration.
-Confirm that it can be completely built in Xcode UI interface, and generate Archive and IPA through the environment, and sign it correctly.
-Create a build folder under the workspace folder.
2. Copy the script file to the workspace directory.
3. Open the terminal tool and enter the workspace directory.
4. Grant script execution permission
chmod 777。 /
5. Modify the script parameters, with comments in the source code.
Need to modify
Workspace name
Set configuration file
Scheme name
Build configuration
encode block
The code block syntax follows the standard price reduction code.
#! /bin/bash
# Initialize build configuration
# Archive and ipa output path
build_path= "。 /build "
# Workspace name
build _ workspace = " workspace name . xc workspace "
# Project name and path
project _ name = $(ls | grep xcode proj | awk-f . xcode proj“{ print $ 1 }”)
# Provisioning profile name
ProvisioningProfile='"XC temporary: com.xxxxx.yyyy "'
# Time stamp of output file name
timeStamp = " $(date+" % Y % M % d _ % H % M % S ")"
Echo "$project_path/$build_workspace"
If [! -d " $ project _ path/$ build _ workspace "]; then
Echo "error! The current path is not an xcode workspace. Please check or do not use the -w option.
Exit 2
The ship does not bear the loading fee.
# Get information. plist
app _ info plist _ path = $ { project _ path }/$ { project _ name }/$ { project _ name }-app store-info . plist
echo ${app_infoplist_path}
# Get the major version
bundleShortVersion = $(/usr/libexec/plist buddy-c " print CFBundleShortVersionString " " $ { app _ info plist _ path } ")
# Get build
bundle version = $(/usr/libexec/plist buddy-c " print cfbundle version " " $ { app _ info plist _ path } ")
# Get svn version
Svn_revision=$(svn information |grep revision: | awk“{ print $2} ")
# `svversion-c | sed's/.*:/'| sed's/[a-z] * $/''s
#svn Info |grep Revision: | awk“{ print $2} "
#workspace_name='*。' xcworkspace '
# ls $ project _ path/$ build _ workspace & amp; & gt/dev/null
# If [! $ RTN value = 0]; then
# # build _ workspace = $(echo $(basename $ project _ path/$ workspace _ name))
# echo "error! The current path is not an xcode workspace. Please check or do not use the -w option.
# 2 exit
# Scheme name
build_scheme="schemename "
# buidl configuration. The default is debug | publish.
Build_config= "publish"
# Build from scratch
clean_cmd='xcodebuild '
clean _ cmd = $ { clean _ cmd } ' clean-workspace ' $ { build _ workspace } '-scheme ' $ { build _ scheme } '-configuration ' $ { build _ config }
$ clean _ cmd> $ build _ path/clean _ qa.txt || Exit.
# Build and publish. Archive, generate archive files
archive _ name = " target name _ QA _ $ { timeStamp }。 xcarchive "
Archive path = ". /build/" $ archive name
build_cmd='xcodebuild '
Build _ cmd = $ {build _ cmd} '- Workspace' $ {build _ workspace} '- Scheme' $ {build _ scheme} '- Target Generic/Platform =iOS Archive-Configuration' $ {build _ config}' Only _ Active _ arch = no-archivepath' $ {archive _.
Echo "* * archive QA ** to $ ${ archive _ path}"
echo ${build_cmd}
$ build _ cmd & gt。 /build/build_archive_qa.log || Exit.
If [! -d "$ {archive path}"]; then
Echo "** error! Archive quality assurance failed * * Please check. /build/build_archive_qa.log。
Exit 2
Echo "* * Archive QA succeeded * * to $ ${ ARCHIVE _ path}"
The ship does not bear the loading fee.
# Export to ipa using QA server
IPA _ name = " target name _ QA _ ad hoc _ v $ { bundle short version } _ b $ { bundle version } _ rev $ { SVN _ revision } _ t $ { timeStamp }。 International phonetic alphabet "
ipa_path= "。 /build/"$ipa_name
ipa_cmd='xcodebuild '
IPA _ cmd = $ { IPA _ cmd } '-export archive-export format IPA-archive path ' $ { archive _ path } '-export path ' $ { IPA _ path } '-exportProvisioningProfile ' $ { provisioningProfile }
Echo "** Export QA ** to $ ${ IPA _ path} "
echo ${ipa_cmd}
eval $ { ipa _ cmd } & gt。 /build/export_ipa_qa.log || Exit.
If [! -f " $ { IPA _ path } "]; then
Echo "** error! Failed to export IPA QA * * Please check. /build/export_ipa_qa.log。
Exit 2
Echo "** Export IPA QA successfully * * to $ ${ IPA _ path} "
The ship does not bear the loading fee.
123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 1 2223242526272829303 132333435363738 39404 14243444546474849505 15253545556575859606 16263646566676869707 1 7273747576777879808 18283848586878889909 19293949596979899 100
Execute script
. /
Larger projects take about 3-5 minutes to complete.
When completed, there will be the following two main files in the build directory under the workspace directory.
target name _ QA _ 20 150420 _ 09473 1 . xc archive
target name _ QA _ ad hoc _ v 2. 1. 1 _ b44 _ rev 7849 _ t 20 150420 _ 09473 1 . IPA
The Xcarchive file is very important and can be used for ipa files signed by different certificates.
Ipa file is exported by adhoc certificate and used for real machine testing and distribution. The certificate name is configured in the source code. According to the bundle id of different products, make corresponding modifications. The name and certificate here are for demonstration only and have no commercial significance.