The COVID-19 epidemic began approximately from September to December 2019.
Starting on December 19, 2019. At that time, many people in Wuhan developed viral pneumonia, and no cause could be found. It was not until January 8, 2020 that it was finally determined to be a new type of coronavirus.
This has never been found in the human body before, and there are no drugs that can achieve the therapeutic effect. The main route of transmission is through cough droplets or sneezing droplets. If you interact with a patient You can also be infected if you have direct close contact. Symptoms: Some are just fever or mild cough, some develop into pneumonia, and some are more serious or even death. However, there is evidence that Wuhan was not the first place on earth where the new coronavirus appeared.
In March 2019, a research team from the University of Barcelona in Spain detected the new coronavirus in wastewater samples collected; in September, research showed that the new coronavirus may have spread in Italy; on November 27, a Brazilian city Genetic material of the new coronavirus was detected in wastewater samples. There are various signs that the new coronavirus may have appeared in the world very early, but people did not pay attention to it at the time. One thing is really unusual.
In July 2019, the Fort Detrick Biological Base, the largest biological and chemical weapons research and development center in the US military, was investigated and closed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shortly after the Fort Detrick base was closed, an inexplicable "vaping disease" broke out in nearby areas.
There is some controversy:
Further research is needed. Some experts said that the COVID-19 epidemic first occurred in the United States in September 2019. At that time, they thought it was a common epidemic viral infection and did not pay too much attention to it, which led to the massive spread of the virus.