1. Initial stage
The government website has just been launched. The information published on the website is simple, most of the website content is static, and the websites are independent of each other.
2. Improvement stage
Government websites gradually increase, and websites are linked to each other; they begin to provide dynamic information and professional information, and publish relevant government publications, laws and regulations, news, etc.; Provides search capabilities and associated email addresses, and may also provide links to certain government departments.
3. Interaction stage
Users can download forms and application materials from the government website, communicate with government officials through emails, etc.; can search professional databases; website content and information Updated regularly.
4. Online processing stage
User transactions can be processed online, digital signatures are widely used, and information security is guaranteed. my country's e-government construction is at this stage.
5. Seamless stage
Online services are fully integrated, and daily government business is transferred to cyberspace.
E-government is a systematic project that should meet three basic conditions:
1. E-government must rely on electronic information hardware systems, digital network technology and related software technologies. Comprehensive service system; hardware part: including internal LAN, external Internet, system communication system and dedicated lines, etc.;
Software part: large database management system, information transmission platform, rights management platform, file formation and approval upload system, news release system, service management system, policy and regulation release system, user service and management system, personnel and file management system, welfare and housing provident fund management system...
2. E-government is the process of dealing with government affairs Comprehensive system related to public affairs and internal affairs. In addition to administrative affairs within government agencies, it also includes management affairs of legislative, judicial departments and other public organizations, such as procuratorial affairs, trial affairs, community affairs, etc.;
3. E-government is A new, advanced and revolutionary government affairs management system. E-government is not simply to move traditional government management affairs intact to the Internet, but to restructure its organizational structure and reengineer its business processes. Therefore, there are significant differences between e-government management and traditional government management.