windows+centos 7
1, installation method based on centos7:
git clone /devttys0/binwalk
cd binwalk
Python installation
First, if Git is not installed in centos, you need to install Git tools first. The installation method is as follows:
# Install
yum install -y git
# View version
Git version
2. Extraction and analysis of sidewalks.
2. 1, firmware scanning
Command: binwalk firmware.bin? By scanning, you can intelligently discover all the recognizable file types contained in the target file.
2.2, extract the file
Command: binwalk -e firmware.bin? Options "-e" and "-extract" are used to extract the detected file system from the firmware according to the extraction method in the defined configuration file.
Command: binwalk -Me firmware.bin? Options "-M" and "-matryoshka" are used for recursive extraction according to the scanning result of magic sign, and are only valid for options "-e" and "-dd".
Command: binwalk -Me -d 5 firmware.bin? Options "-d" and "-depth =" are used to limit the depth of recursive extraction. The default depth is 8, which is only valid when the "-M" option exists.
Command dd if= (original file name) of= (extract file name) skip= data address? bs= 1
2.3. Display the complete scanning results.
Command: binwalk -I firmware.bin? Options "-I" and "-invalid" are used to display all scanning results (even items defined as "invalid" during scanning). When we think that binwalk mistook a valid file for an invalid file, we can check it through this option.