Code Name: White is an original animated film directed by Tong Chong, with Ichiro Kouji as the screenwriter, Eguchi Takuya, Tanzeqi Tomomi, Hayami Saori and Ichiro Matsumoto as the main voices, and produced by WIT STUDIO and CloverWorks.
The film is based on the comic book "Spy × Play House" by Tatsuya Endo, and tells the story of the "disguised family" Jeff family challenging the biggest task in history in order to protect world peace. Countries all over the world are secretly engaged in fierce intelligence wars.
When Twilight, the right-hand spy of Dongke's "Wise Man", carried out his mission as Lloyd Fogg as usual, the Western National Intelligence Agency received an instruction to replace the head of the ongoing mission "Owl". However, it was an incompetent person who was chosen as the new person in charge. At that time, the Eden School carried out a cooking practice, and it was said that the winner could get a "star".
In order to show the progress of the owl's mission and negotiate with the wise as much as possible, and even to protect world peace. In order to confirm the authentic taste, Jeff's family decided to take a family trip.
On the other hand, Joel witnessed the whole process of Lloyd's conversation with the mysterious woman before leaving, and started a family trip with a little anxiety about the temporary relationship. On a family trip, Ania found a strange suitcase on the train, which somehow contained chocolate. Just when he felt incredible, the owner of the suitcase came back.
Ania, who was startled, accidentally swallowed the chocolate. However, chocolate hides a big secret that shakes world peace! Then, accidents happened one after another during the trip! The fate of the world is once again entrusted to this temporary family.
Problem information
On February 8th, 65438+2022, at the "Spy × Play House" booth of "Jump Festa2023" held that day, the filmmakers announced the animation of the cartoon "Spy Play House", the content of which was brand-new plot, and at the same time made public the visual picture drawn by the original author Endo Tatsuya who decided to make a film version.
12 On February 24th, the film released the animation "Spy House" and "TV Season 2 & Special Image of the Original Film Production" on YouTube, and also released the comments of the voice actors of Jeff's family.
On March 26th, 2023, in the "AnimeJapan2023" event held that day, the title of the film and the visual map of the super pilot drawn by Asano Nagaakira Koji were released. On June 20, the film released the pilot vision.
On June 26th, the film released a special report image. On July 2nd, the film announced the linkage with the game Street Fighter 6, and made public the "Dream Matching Visual Map" drawn by the illustrator Shida Qian Sheng under Capcom. On July 10, the film released visual pictures and images linked with the movie Mission Impossible 7: Fatal Liquidation (1).
On September 12, the film released two guest voice actors. On September 22nd, the film announced that Ginga Banj and Shunsuke Takeuchi would play the role of hostile fog. 10 year1October 26th, the film released the visual map of IMAX poster. 10 year 10 30th, the film released the theme song information, the preview, two thematic maps and the main visual map.