Draco Malfoy
-{T|zh-tw:Scott Malfoy;zh-cn:Draco Malfoy}-Harry Potter Special character
Played by Tom Felton
Draco Malfoy
Gender male
Hair color white-blonde< /p>
Eye color gray
House Slytherin
Pure blood
Loyal to Death Eaters
Actor Tom ·Felton
Appeared for the first time in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
-{A|zh-tw:Robert Malfoy;zh-cn:Della Draco Malfoy}-(Draco Malfoy) is a fictional character in the "Harry Potter" series of children's fantasy novels by British writer J.K. Rowling.
Draco Malfoy was born on June 5, 1980. Like most of the Malfoy family, he was a student of Slytherin House. He is described in the book as a distinguished-looking, pale man with pale blond hair and cold gray eyes. He is the only son of the Malfoy family. -{A|zh-tw:跷哥;zh-cn:Draco}- is played by Tom Felton in the movie.
The name "Draco" may come from Draco, the first legislator in Athens who created a harsh law. In Latin, "Draco" means dragon or snake, and "Draco" also means Draco, which is in line with the tradition of dark wizard families naming their children after the constellation. -{A|zh-tw:马 Fen;zh-cn:Malfoy}-The name may come from the French "mal foi" or "mal foy", which means dishonest and unfaithful.
Family background
Draco’s parents are Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy (before marriage: Narcissa Black). The Malfoy family is a very ancient, wealthy aristocratic family that is extremely proud of its pure wizarding bloodline and hates wizards born into Muggle (non-wizarding) families.