There is a triangle under the water cup with a number inside, indicating the material of the water cup.
Plastic name--------code and corresponding abbreviation code are as follows:
Polyester———— 01—PET (Pet bottle)
High density polyethylene—— 02—HDPE
Polyvinyl chloride———— 03—PVC
Low density polyethylene—— 04—LDPE
Polypropylene———— 05-PP (can withstand temperatures above 100 degrees)
Polystyrene———— 06-PS (heat-resistant to 60-70 degrees, can hold hot drinks Produces toxins and releases styrene when burned)
Other plastic codes - 07—Others
That is to say, if there is 05 in the triangle, it is PP~ Of course, generally speaking, cups The name of the material will be written directly on the label