Their types
Virtual driver
. 3rg
Screen capture device based on dos
Vxd file
. 8b?
Various plug-ins of photoshop
. Automatic circuit analyzer
Role documents used by Microsoft agents
. Outstanding/first-class
A document in compressed format, the compression rate is even higher than WinRAR, and it can be opened with WINACE and other tools.
. Advancedcommunicationsfunction
System management configuration
. (= Association for Computing Machinery) American Computer Society
Audio compression management driver, providing coding and decoding functions of various sound formats for Windows system.
. acs
Same as. Acm, but kept locally.
. Automatic data entry
Microsoft Access project extension
. Yemen
Microsoft Access's blank project template
. adp
Microsoft Access project
. aif
Sound file, supports compression, and can be played through Windows Media Player and QuickTime Player.
Audio file, played by Windows Media Player.
Audio file, played by Windows Media Player.
Audio file, played by Windows Media Player.
. Rhinoceros cuckoo
Animated cursor file extension, such as animated hourglass.
. American National Standards (abbreviation for American national standards)
ASCII character graphic animation file
. Associated Press (abbreviation for Associated Press)
Application files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro system software.
. app; application
Application files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro system software.
. arc
An earlier compressed file can be opened with WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software.
. arj
Compress files. You can use WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software to open it.
. art
Is the most commonly used image format in AOL. If you are using Windows 2000, you must install a patch to view it.
. AmericanSecurityCouncil (with American Security Council)
ASCII text files, which can be processed by all types of word processing components. Some systems can also use these file extensions to represent the image information contained in the file.
. asf
Data file or screen file under Lotus 1-2-3.
. asf
Microsoft's media player supports video streaming, which can be played through Windows Media Player.
. ash
Assembly language contains files, similar to. H file in C/C++
. air-to-ground/air-to-surface guided missile
Assembly language source program files are usually compiled using MASM or Turbo ASM.
. white poplar
Microsoft's video streaming files can be opened with Windows Media Player.
. white poplar
Active Server Page proposed by Microsoft is a server-side script, which is often used for large-scale website development and supports database connection, similar to PHP. It can be written in Visual InterDev, which is a hot topic at present.
. Symbol of asparagine
Shortcuts to Windows Media media files.
. Arbitrary Unit
It is a common sound file format on the Internet, which is mostly created by Sun Workstation and can be played by using the software Waveform Hold and Modify. LiveAudio in Netscape Navigator can also be played. Au file.
. avi
A Windows multimedia file format using Microsoft RIFF specification, which is used to store sound and animation.
. Full-time four-wheel drive (car)
Browse documents by fax, which is used to display faxes.
. awp
Fax keyword browser
. American welding association
Fax signature browser
. Aided decision-making (abbreviation for Aid in Decision Making)
ADM _ automatic file
. b64
Base64 encoded files, you can use WinZip encoding.
. bak
A backup file is usually an auxiliary file created automatically or through a command, containing the latest version of the file and having the same file name as the file.
. stop
Basic language source program files can be compiled into executable files. At present, the system is developed by Visual Basic.
. bat
Batch file. Bat file is an executable file, which consists of a series of commands, which can include calls to other programs.
. forum
Bulletin board system system article information file
. bfc
Briefcase file for Windows
. chest
A binary file whose purpose depends on the system or application.
. Extension of bitmap file
Bitmap Bitmap file is the format of Paint developed by Microsoft, which can be supported by various Windows and Windows NT platforms and many applications, and supports 32-bit colors. This is a resource file format for creating icons for the Windows interface.
. germ warfare
Is a black and white graphic file format containing various pixel information.
. c
C language source program files, compiled and used under the C language compiler.
. cab
The compressed package format developed by Microsoft is often used in software installation programs. Using the utility that comes with Windows, Extract.exe can decompress it. WinZip, WinRAR and so on all support this format.
. rascal
AUTOCAD graphic file
. therm
Calendar file in Windows
. cbx
Tag files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. Command data interception (abbreviation for Command and Data Acquisition)
CD audio tracks saved on AudioCD.
. Cumulative Distribution Function (short for cumulative distribution function)
Channel file of Internet Explorer
. A vector graphic editing software developed by Canadian company
A graphic file format in CorelDraw that can be used in all CorelDraw applications.
. cdx
Index files exist in the software environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro systems.
. Constant frequency generator (short for constant frequency generator)
Configuration file, a file used by a system or application software to configure its own functions and characteristics
. chm
Compiled HTML files are often used to make help files and electronic documents.
. China light and power company ltd China lighting and power company.
File format in clipboard under Windows
. Coal mine management bureau
The batch file used in Windows NT/2000 actually has the same function as the BAT file, but it is different from the BAT file under DOS/Windows 9x.
. cmf
Sound card standard music files, FM synthesizer and so on can be played back.
. cnf
Network conference connection file
. (cannot) can't
The online help file directory index file is usually saved in. Hlp file with the same name.
. pass
A palette file format created by Autodesk Animator, Autodesk Animator Por and other programs, which stores RGB values of each item in the palette.
. com
DOS executable command file, generally less than 64KB.
. Contact Potential Difference (abbreviation for contact potential difference)
Fax cover file
. Customer terminal equipment (short for Customer Premise Equipment)
Fax cover file
. consumer price index (CPI)
International code page, which is used to provide code page information of corresponding countries.
. polariscope
Control panel extension file used by Windows operating system.
. Card Print Processor (abbreviation for card print processor)
C++ language source program, a very powerful language, has corresponding development systems on various platforms.
. crd
Card file in Windows
. crd
Card file in Windows
. Cathode ray tube
Safety certification document.
. Combat support vehicle
Comma-separated text files are usually used for data exchange between different applications.
. scoundrel
The cursor resource file format under Windows can be edited by cursor editing software.
. Rigid cast iron
Text /css file
. Digital audio tape)?DOS file name data file
Data files used in applications
. Digital audio tape)?DOS file name data file
Video and audio files in VCD can be called by VCD playback software or played by VCD player.
. dbf
Database files, database files generated by database processing systems such as Foxbase, Dbase and Visual FoxPro.
. dcx
Fax browse document file
. Zhirui consulting company
Image files, DUP, HD, IMG and other tools can be extended.
. deviation
device driver
. Gently pull the bait up and down on the water.
Device independent bitmap file, which is a file format. Its purpose is to ensure that bitmap graphics created by one application can be loaded or displayed by other applications.
. catalogue
directory file
Windows dynamic link libraries are almost everywhere, but sometimes conflicts between different versions of DLLs will cause various problems.
. document
It is a document created by Word, the word processing software in Microsoft Office with the highest market share at present.
. disc operating system (DOS)
Windows reserved MS-DOS system files
. point
The document template file of Microsoft Word can simplify the creation of some commonly used documents through templates, and can be embedded into VBA programs to realize some automation functions.
. drv
Device driver files used in various systems.
. blueprint
AutoCAD drawing file is also a format supported by many drawing software, and is often used to share data.
. dxb
Chinese graphic file format created by AutoCAD
. dxf
Graphic interchange format is a computer-aided design file format, which was originally developed for use with AutoCAD to transfer graphic files between applications. It stores graphics in ASCII mode and represents the size of graphics very accurately.
. Draw out (short for derivative)
a certification document
. Density Indicating Controller (abbreviation for density indicating controller)
Txt file
. electromotive force (EMF)
The overall design goal of Windows 32-bit extended metafile format developed by Microsoft Company is to make up for the deficiency of *. The wmf file format used in Microsoft windows 3.1(win16) makes the metafile easier to use.
. storage battery
The graphic file format described in PostScript language can be saved as a text file, which can print high-quality graphic images on PostScript graphic printer, and can represent 32-bit graphic images at most.
. commit a crime
Compilation error files exist in dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software environments.
. Extensions of executable programs
Executable files have the same suffix, but different formats and versions.
. experience
Graphics card driver used by 3DS
. exc
Txt file
. fky
Key macro files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. flc
The animation files of Autodesk Animator and Animatorpro support 256 colors, and the maximum image line is 64,000 * 64,000, which supports compression and is widely used in animation graphics, computer-aided design and animation sequences in computer game applications.
. fnd
Saved search results
. Fengzu
Dot matrix font file
. for
Fortran language program
. Free on truck price
Font shortcut key
. Polyphonic piano
Configuration files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. Full power test)
Remarks field files exist in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. First registration
Report files exist in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. frx
Report files exist in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. fxp
The compiled program exists in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. Exchangeable image format
A compressed graphics file format that can be processed by various graphics processing software on various platforms.
. grh
Founder company image typesetting file
. Ground relay panel
Group window file generated by program manager under Windows.
. Chief commander
. Federation of government scientific research institutions
MSGraph。 Chart 5
. h
C language source program header file
. hlp
Windows application help file
. hqx
Macintosh uses BinHex to encode binary files into 7-bit text files. Most Macintosh files appear as. hqx(。 Bin is rarely used). StuffIt expander can be used for decoding in Macintosh. Hqx, and BinHex 13 can be used in Windows to decode.
. Haiti
. Suffix of html file
Save text files in hypertext description language, which are used to describe various web pages and open them in various browsers.
. Hypertext markup language
Same as. Htm file
. Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling (ICM)
Image color matching profile
. Icon resource file
Icon files in Windows can contain multiple formats of the same icon and are created by icon editing software.
. Integrated data file (intergrated Data File)
MIDI instrument definition
. idx
Index files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. Under the condition of … and only under the condition of …
File exchange format file, this file format is mostly used in Amiga platform, on this platform it can store almost all kinds of data, on other platforms, IFF file format is mostly used to store images and sound files.
. picture
MAcintosh disk image files, which are common in the FTP site of Apple computer, are treated with heat-shrinkable packaging in Macintosh.
. input method
Input method file under Windows
. img
After opening the disk image file with HD-COPY, WinImage and other tools, you can restore it to disk.
. incorporated company
Assembly language contains files, similar to. H file in C/C++
. Medium-range nuclear force
Software installation information under Windows. The standard installer for Windows installs software and drivers according to the installation information in this file.
. The suffix of the initialization setting file.
The initialization information file in Windows is not used much, and the new application will save the settings in the system registry.
. conflict
A compressed file, a new version of ARJ, but not very popular, can be opened with WinJar, Winrar, etc.
. Joint image expert group
Compressed image files, and. jpg。
. The file extension of encoded image stored in jpeg file exchange format.
The still image compression standard formulated by the still image expert group has a high compression ratio and is widely used. It can be created by image processing software such as PhotoShop.
. work
Job object
. jfif
Jpeg file
. Keyboard keyboard
Keyboard layout file
. Molecular biology laboratory
The graphic file format used in Deluxe Paint, whose encoding is similar to *.iff.
. lnk
Shortcut, this file points to another file, and every item in the program folder of the start menu is an LNK file.
. log
Log file, usually used to record some events and so on.
. lzh
An ancient compressed file, which can be opened with WinRAR.
. man
Macintosh brush uses a medium gray graphic file format used in Macintosh, and the resolution can only be 720*567.
. magazine
graphics file format
. Mission control center
Dialer 10 calling card (calling card file)
. media control interface
MCI instruction set
. mdb
The database format used by Microsoft Access is a very popular desktop database.
. man
Memory application files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. middle
Audio compressed files used to be very popular, but now software is rarely used.
. Meteorological information
Midi musical instrument
. Magnetic Motive Force (magnetomotive force)
Microsoft mail, relatively rare.
. mnt
Menu files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. mnx
Menu files exist in the environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro series software.
. moov
The video format of Quicktime or Mac can be played with Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software in Macintosh, and can be played with QuickTime in Windows.
. mov
Apple's movie files in Quicktime format can be played by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software in Macintosh, and can be played by QuickTime in Windows.
. film
The video format of QuickTime or Mac can be played with Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software in Macintosh, and can be played with QuickTime in Windows.
. mp3
The audio files compressed by MPEG- 1 Layout 3 standard are the main compressed audio files on the Internet. Because of its high compression ratio and low distortion, this file is the main file format of music piracy at present, but it is currently challenged by new standards such as VQF and WMA.
. Miles per gallon
The video file compressed by MPEG- 1 standard is very similar to the format used by VCD, providing CD-quality audio signal and video resolution of 320*240. At present, most media playback software can play it, and Microsoft's WMV8 and MPEG-4 compressed AVI files are its strong competitors.
. The Ministry of posts and telecommunications.
Graphic file format used in Macintosh.
. monosodium glutamate
Microsoft mail document
. msk
A graphic file format in Animator Pro, which contains bitmap graphics.
. microsoft service network
Microsoft network file
. hum
. Mean lung capacity
MPEG file
. Mark
Mak file
. man
File in application /x-trof-man format
. Master of Public Administration.
MPEG file
. Metallocene polyethylene
MPEG file
. News Corp.
Microsoft Internet news mail
. object file
object code
. select
Is a graphic file format created by Animator Pro.
. ovl
Because the software has many functions and small memory, there may be ovl files with the same file name in executable files that cannot be transferred into memory at one time.
. obd
. obt
Office. Binders. templates
. obz
Office. A binder. guide
. ofn
Office. File. New
. p
Pascal source program file
. beautiful
Microsoft mail
. right of priority
Pascal source program file
. Printed circuit board
Library files, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. Pitch diameter of pitchcirclediameter
Bitmap files developed by Eastman Kodak Company are supported by all platforms. PCD supports 24-bit color, and the largest image file is 2048*3072, which is used to save pictures to CD.
. pole changing switch
Animation file is an animation file format developed by Macromedia. It is used by Macintosh applications, supports compression and supports 256 colors, and is used to save animation data. It is the predecessor of Aauto Quicker.
. Periscope convex surface
Image file, PCX format is an image processing software Paintbrush developed by ZSOFT Company, which is a compressed format and occupies less disk space.
. Extension of portable document format file (abbreviation of portable document format)
Graphic multimedia file is the file format of electronic printed matter defined by Adobe Company, and it is the de facto standard. Many electronic printed materials on the Internet are free. Pdf format.
. Pulse Frequency (abbreviation of pulse frequency)
ICM description file
. film
Same. pole changing switch
. pif
It is the configuration file needed when the executable file in DOS environment is executed in Windows, and it also has the function of shortcut.
. pjt
Children. pif
. pjx
Engineering documents are used in the software environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series.
. use
The graphic file format created by Animator Pro contains a series of points used to describe polygons.
. png
Network image files, using lossless compression to reduce the file size, but currently do not support animation.
. Programming instruction
Is a PostScript printer description number file, which describes the characteristics of the printer for the PostScript printer driver.
. prg
Command file, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. Petroleum Revenue Tax (petroleum revenue tax)
Printer format
. (same as preshipmentdocument) Shipping file
Is a standard graphic file format used in PhotoShop, which can save every tiny part of image data, including layers, additional mask channels and so on.
. Polystyrene fiber
Microsoft mail
. electrical level
Password file under Windows
. pbk
MSN _ phone book
. phorbol ester
Performance file
. Congenital myotonia
Performance file
. Possible maximum loss
Performance file
. Pressure Modulator Radiometer
Performance file
. pmw
Performance file
. Power Factor Meter (power factor meter)
Pfm file
. pnf
Pnf file
. qic
Microsoft backup strategy
. qpr
Query files, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. qpx
Query files, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. quart
Machintosh's Quicktime video format can be played by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software in Macintosh, and can be played by QuickTime in Windows.
. qtm
Animation file, developed by Apple Computer Company, supports Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms, supports 25-bit color, the maximum image resolution is 64,000 * 64,000, supports compression, and is used to save audio and sports video information.
. imperial palace
Queue object
. rar
The compressed file format provided by WinRAR has a higher compression rate than ZIP, and it also provides more functions.
. recreation ground
Recorder macro file under Windows
. Vehicle registration number
Windows 95 system and application registration file, although this file is saved as a plain text file, there are still version problems, and different operating systems use different versions of REG files.
. Layoff or reduction of staff
Rich text format file
. rle
A compressed bitmap file format, RLE compression scheme is an extremely mature compression scheme, which is characterized by lossless compression and saves disk space without losing any image data, but it takes a lot of time to open this compressed file, and some applications with poor compatibility may not be able to open it.
. space
This format is used for compressed video files supported by RealPlayer under Windows, streaming video files that are very popular on the Internet, and many real-time video news. However, the latest Windows Media Video V8 has launched a powerful offensive against it.
. Wireless electromagnetic indicator (abbreviation of Radio Magnetic Indicator)
MIDI sequence file
. Universal text format
Fengfu text format file describes the content in pure text, and can save all kinds of format information, which can be created by compiling version, Word, etc.
. Sun god
Read audio file
. ram
Read audio file
. rnk
Rnk file
. revolutions per minute
Audio /x-pn-real audio- plug-in format file
. save
Grandfather file
. single cell protein
The script file used for automatic dial-up login of Internet dial-up users under Windows system can avoid tedious keyboard input when logging in manually.
. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
Barrier protection document
. Subroutine Call Table (abbreviation of subroutine call table)
Screen file, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. scx
Screen file, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. set up
Microsoft backup set file, which is used to save information such as contents and settings to be backed up.
. shb
Shortcuts to documents.
. Self-propagating high temperature synthesis
Fragments, you can drag a paragraph of text from WordPad to the desktop to create a fragment, but it is of little use value.
. snd
Mac sound file, a sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company, is supported by Macintosh platform and various Macintosh applications, and supports partial compression.
. (speed)
PostScript printer description file
. Structured query language
Query files, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. Save (short for saving)
SVG is the most popular image file format at present. It is developed by WorldWideWebConsortium based on XML, and SVG is a scalable vector graphic.
. svx
Amiga sound file is a sound file format developed by Commodore, which is supported by Amiga platform and application programs and does not support compression.
. Shock wave flash
Flash is a product of micro media company. Strictly speaking, it is an animation editing software. In fact, it generates an animation with a suffix. Sovereign wealth fund. This format of animation can express rich multimedia forms in a relatively small volume, and can also achieve a state of "harmony" with HTML files.
. Standard wire gauge
Virtual memory swap file used by the operating system.
. System copy command (short for system)
System files and drivers have different definitions in different operating systems.
. slk
Excel。 SLK
. Seat
Application /x-stuffit format file
. moustache
It is a compressed TAR file. Z format.
. tbk
Temporary database file, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. thermogravimetry
Image file is a general graphic image data format with simple structure, which has great influence in the multimedia field. This is the preferred format for converting computer-generated images into TV images.
. tgz
A kind of compression software
. Label image file format.
The same tiff
. a bite
Image file, with complex format, many storage contents and large storage space. Its size is three times that of GIF image and 10 times that of JPEG image. It was first popular on Macintosh, and now it is supported by mainstream image applications in Windows.
. Terminal Monitor Program (abbreviation of terminal monitor program)
Temporary files are generally temporary files generated by systems and applications. When the system and applications quit, the temporary files they created will be automatically deleted. If they exit abnormally, temporary files may remain on disk. In a single-task system, they can be deleted immediately. In a multitasking system, those temporary files that are not used should be deleted.
. Trn reader
Translate documents
. The amount of a teaspoon.
Telephone service provider
. truetypefont
TrueType format font file, which can be viewed through FontView.Exe.
. Textfile (textfile)
. ttc
Ttc file
. sailor
A kind of compression software
. Global resource locator (Uniform Resource Locator)
Internet shortcuts (Internet to URL addresses on the Internet)
. uls
ULS file
. vbx
Microsoft's Visual Basic language control.
. Video compact disc
Making CD image files with virtual cd tool
. version
Version description, a file used to describe software version information, the content varies from software to software.
. Volatile organic compound
Sound file, which is developed by Creative Labs and supports Windows and DOS platforms and compression.
. vxd
Virtual device driver is very common in Windows operating system and is an important system file.
. Queen of England and Queen Victoria of India.
Virtual file
. vsd
Visio。 Drawings.4
. Virtual memory system
Visio。 Drawings.4
. vst
Visio。 Drawings.4
. vsw
Visio。 Drawings.4
. Western aphasia test set
Address book file, used by the address book program in the system.
. Sound resource file
Audio file, which is a resource format for saving audio information on Windows. In Windows, it is played by waveform maintenance and modification or navigator or "media player". There are many encoding methods, which need corresponding decoding programs to play.
. win
Window file, used in the environment of dbase, Foxbase and FoxPro series software.
. Windows metafile format.
A common metafile format in Microsoft Windows has the characteristics of short file and modeling mode. The whole graphics are often spliced by independent components, but their graphics are often rough and can only be edited in Microsoft Office.
. world petroleum congress
Wordpad document conversion
. wps2010
Wps text file, there are many versions, which can be opened with Wps Office, Wps 2000, etc.
. wri
Windows wordpad document
. Wireless local loop
Words. additional item
. wbk
Work. support
. rare talent
Words. wizard
. white
White writing board
. xab
Microsoft mail address book
. xbm
The graphic file format created by Animator Pro contains a series of points used to describe polygons.
. xif
Documents generated under Xifimage
. xla
EXCEL。 Addim
. xlk
Excel。 support
. xlc
Excel。 Chart 5
. xlb
Excel。 Table 5
. xlc
Excel。 Chart 5
. xlt
Excel。 template
. xlv
Excel。 VBA module
. xlw
Excel。 work space
. xll
Excel。 XLL
. xlm
Excel。 macro sheet
. z
compressed files
. vitality
It is the most common file compression format in DOS/Windows and the standard compression format on the Internet, which can contain paths and multiple files.