As we all know, Zhong Xuan and Tae-yeon are very good friends. After Zhong Xuan left, Tae-yeon suffered a great blow. She not only rushed to the mourning hall overnight to wake Zhong Xuan, but also wept bitterly at Zhong Xuan's funeral, and even cancelled the autograph session because of grief. A few days later, I mourned Zhong Xuan through Instagram, saying, "I like you very much, love you very much, and want to pat you again, and want to hug you again." My words were full of regret and disappointment for losing my best friend.
Kim Jonghyun debuted for nearly ten years, not only his talent was highly recognized, but also his character was well-known in the circle, and many people became his best friends. Kim TaeYeon and Zhong Xuan are members of their girlhood. They are not only colleagues in the same company, but also close brothers and sisters. Two musicians, who are famous for their musical ideas, have collaborated on such tracks as Breathing and Loneliness.
Anyway, I still hope our Tae-yeon can adjust her mood and start over. After all, Zhong Xuan didn't want her to be too sad.