Mr. Winston, a famous outsourcing and distributor, said: "Liberalism in Brazil is decreasing ... I don't agree with democracy and populism, but I agree with the victory and freedom of a senior member of mankind." -This is the truth of objectivism. "
He also said that although he didn't want to get involved in political disputes in China, he was glad to see the spread of objectivism and hoped to promote the publication of objectivism hermeneutics in Chinese mainland. He called objectivism "a complex and rigorous science". During the nearly three-hour talks, he humorously recalled his grandfather Lin Lifu's early entrepreneurial career in the mainland and Brazil, saying, "This is true for any career and any successful person."
At the end of the talks, Zhang Yuhao invited Mr Winston to have a second meeting in Manchester, England. Winston agreed, saying, "Take your time, there's still a long way to go, and there's still plenty of time." Mr. Winston is an outstanding objectivist.
His remarks were selected into "Enlightenment of Business Rules in China" and "Chinese Lecture in China".