In patent electronic application, when you complete all the forms, a small exclamation mark may indicate the following situations:
1. Error or warning: A small exclamation mark may indicate the content you filled in There is an error or warning. This may include situations where the form is filled out incorrectly, required fields are missing, formatting is incorrect or unclear. You need to check each form carefully to make sure all information is accurate.
2. Missing signature: In some cases, a small exclamation mark may appear when you do not sign or stamp where required. You need to confirm that you have done everything correctly where a signature or seal is required.
3. File format error: If the file you upload does not meet the requirements, a small exclamation mark may appear. You need to confirm whether the file you upload complies with the patent office's regulations.
4. Further action required: In some cases, a small exclamation point may indicate that you need to take further action before submitting your application. For example, you may need to click a "Submit" button or complete other submission steps.
If you are unable to determine the specific meaning of the small exclamation point, it is recommended to contact the patent office or a professional intellectual property lawyer for help. They can provide you with detailed guidance on the electronic filing system and help you troubleshoot issues.