Your English reading: English [j? Z] beauty [j? Rz]
yours; Your; Yours; Used at the end of a letter before signing
to expand knowledge:
1. apart from [except for] a few grammatical misunderstandings, this composition of? yours? Except for a few grammatical mistakes, your composition is well written.
2、That foul temper of? yours? Could bitch off anybody. Your bad temper can make anyone angry.
3、My car equals? yours? In economy. My car is comparable to yours in economy.
4、My skill is a little inferior than? yours? At the most, at best, it's not as good as you two. 5、Mybrother and the gentlemen are to dine with the officers.? Yours? Ever, my brother and several of his friends are going to the officers for dinner.
6、How about selling that new motorcycle of? yours? in Indonesia? How about selling your new motorcycle in Indonesia?
7、Those tight trousers of? yours? aren't very decent! Your tight pants are really unsightly!
8、You told the headmistress it was? yours? because you thought it was mine? You told the headmaster that the key was yours because you thought I took it?
9、Yours? 22 inquired firm enjoys a good repayment 22nd The company inquired has always had a good reputation.
1、Skate over in? yours? Eyes. Slipped through your eyes.
11、Yours? 13th agree how to try doing better where possible agree to call on 13th, please try your best to handle it.
12、My view jibes with? yours? On the issue.
I agree with you on this issue.
13、Every joy that you've ever glimpsed is? yours? To live and to express any time you choose. Every happiness you have glimpsed is up to you to decide when to cash in and express it.
14、Is this knowledge of? yours? the reason the murderer now has you in his sights? Is it because of these things you know that the murderer is after you?