JWT is actually a string, which consists of three parts, header, payload and signature.
The header describes the most basic information about JWT, such as its type and the algorithm used for signature.
For example {"type":"JWT ","alg":"HS256"}
Its header indicates that the signature algorithm is HS256 algorithm.
HMAC algorithm (asymmetric)
Republic of South Africa (Republic of South Africa)
A load is a place where valid information is stored.
Define a payload: {"sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "admin": true}
Visa consists of three parts. The header encrypted by base64 and the payload encrypted by base64 are connected to form a string.
Then the salt-dense combination encryption is carried out by the encryption method declared in the header.
1 and jwt are based on json, which is very convenient to parse.
2. Rich content can be customized in the token, which is easy to expand.
3. Through asymmetric encryption algorithm and digital signature technology, JWT can prevent tampering and has high security.
4. With JWT, resource services can complete authorization without relying on authentication services.
JWT tokens are very long and take up a lot of storage space.
A public key corresponds to a private key, and the private key is used as a signature to encrypt JWT, so the corresponding public key needs to be generated here:
Enter the keystore password:? keytool-list-keystore Chang Gou . jks
The information displayed is:
Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entries.
Changgou 2020-7-28 private key entry,
Certificate fingerprint (sha1): 45: 2e: 51:8b: 84: 86: 03: 8c: af: 99:14: 5f: 4f: D6: 98: 33: 39: 92: 39.
You can get the public key by entering the following command:
Remarks: classPathResource: private key location;
New KeyStoreKeyFactory: To create a private key factory, you need two parameters: the password stored by the private key and the location of the private key;
Keystorekeyfactory.getkeyPair (alias, password.tochararray): get the keyPair object, and keyPair.getPrivate () is to get the private key;
Obtain the token according to the private key: jwthelper.encode (JSON.tojsonstring (map, new RSA signer));