In order to consider browser compatibility and keep more browsers accessible, SSL certificate application usually adopts encryption algorithm: RSA 2048 bits, and signature algorithm: SHA256WithRSA, which is widely used and even used by Baidu!
RSA encryption algorithm: the public key is used to encrypt data and the private key is used to decrypt data.
RSA signature algorithm: In the signature algorithm, the private key is used to sign data and the public key is used to verify the signature.
Encryption algorithms are divided into two categories: 1 and symmetric encryption algorithms. 2. Asymmetric encryption algorithm.
Due to the rapid development of computing power, from the security point of view, many encryption algorithms support SHA256WithRSA on the basis of the original SHA 1WithRSA signature algorithm. This algorithm is more secure than SHA1WITRSA in the digest algorithm. At present, the signature algorithm of SHA 1WithRSA will continue to provide support, but for your application security, it is strongly recommended to use the signature algorithm of SHA256WithRSA.