/usr/bin/simg 2g simg
Installation method of tool set:
Sudo apt-get install Android- tools -fsutils
Make an Ext4 file system image:
# Create test directory
mkdir/tmp/ext 4 & amp; & ampCD/tmp/ext 4 & amp; & amp
Mkdir test. & amp
echo "Hello Ext4 " >test/hello ext 4 . txt & amp; & amp
# Generate an Ext4 image named test.ext4
make _ ext 4 fs-l 5 12M test . ext 4 test & amp; & amp
# mount test.ext4 to test_mount test.
O cycle test. & amp
Ls test_mount || echo "Error!"
First, look for this tool in the (yourAndroid code path) /out/ directory.
Unyaffs: used to extract system.img
Mkyaffs2image: used to package system.img
Hehe, the find command will certainly, right? Find out/-name mkyaffs2image
Please remember this directory when you find it. Mine is (codepath)/out/host/Linux-x86/bin/
1. Create a system folder under any folder, and mine is built under home/ Changjiang/. This folder is used to store the files extracted from system.img, and then copy the two tools found, unyaffs and mkyaffs2image, to /changjiang/home/system.
2. Copy the compiled system.img or downloaded system.img to the system folder.
3. Enter the following command in the terminal (/home/changjiang/ replace with the path in your own computer, yours is not mine).
CD/home/ Changjiang/system
. /unya fs/home/changjiang/system/system. img (unzip system.img with unyafs command), and there are various applications and libraries. , you can modify or replace it.
Second, repackage system.img. Although I don't know why, I know it is possible.
Hehe, nothing is impossible for linux. North Korea's Red Star operating system is an example.
Specific measures are as follows
System/ This directory is used to generate system.img.
mkyaffs2image system/ system.img
The first time you use the mkyaffs2image command in Ubuntu, you will be prompted.
Mkyaffs2image: command not found.
You also need to install mkyaffs2image.
/p/fatplus/downloads/detail? name = yaffs 2-source . tar & amp; can = 2 & ampq=
Download yaffs2-source.tar.
After unzipping, enter the utils folder, and then make.
Copy the mkyaffs2image file generated after make to the /usr/bin directory.
$ su
# cp mkyaffs2image /usr/bin/
# chmod 777/usr/bin/mkyaffs 2 image
$ mkyaffs2image
Mk Yaffs2Image: the image building tool of Yaffs2, which was built on 20th 1 216th.
Usage: mkyaffs 2 image dir image _ file [convert]
Directory tree to be converted
Image_file saves the output file of the image.
"Transform" to generate a big-end image from a small-end machine
Indicates that the installation is successful, and you can also see the usage of this command.
Mkyaffs2image image directory image file
For example:
Mk yaffs2imageam1808-fsam1808-fs.yaffs//create a jffs2 file.
Students who are engaged in Android often come into contact with system.img, but this file often appears in two formats: raw and sparse.
One is rawextx4 image, which is often called raw image. Observed by file: It is characterized by a complete EXTEX4partition image (including many invalid padding areas with all zeros), which can be directly mounted by mount, so it is relatively large (generally 1G or so).
[java] View Plain Text
$ file system.img
System. img: Linux rev1.0ext4 file system data, uuid = 57F8F4BC-ABF4-655f-BF67-946F0F9F2b (range) (large file).
The message is very clear.