1. Uninstall the original Bluetooth program. Unplug the Bluetooth adapter. Restart the computer.
2. Click Start, click Run, type C:\WINDOWS\inf in the open box, and then click OK. (The path "C:\Windows" refers to the Windows XP system installation disk)
Right-click bth.inf, and then click Rename.
4. Rename bth.inf to bth.bak, and then press Enter.
5. Install third-party widcomm. When installing drivers, please choose manual installation and point the installation path to the folder where Bluetooth software is installed. (such as c: \ program files \ ivt corporation \ blue cable \ driver \ USB). If you install BlueSoleil, you can see the btcusb.inf file in this folder, so install that driver.
6. Restart the computer.
7. Install the mobile phone software and copy the cracked patch to the installation directory to run.
8. Insert the usb Bluetooth adapter. Start enjoying managing SMS and address book on your computer.