What are the computer keyboard shortcuts
F5------Refresh DELETE-----Delete TAB----Change focus
CTRL C-----Copy CTRL X-----Cut CTRL V----Paste
CTRL A-----Select all CTRL Z-----Undo CTRL S -----Save
ALT F4-----Close CTRL Y-----Restore ALT TAB-----Switch
CTRL F5---Force Refresh CTRL W----Close CTRL F----Find
SHIFT DELETE Permanently delete CTRL ALT DEL Task management SHIFT TAB-Reverse switch
CTRL Space--Chinese and English Input switch CTRL Shift input method switch CTRL ESC--Start menu
CTRL ALT Z QQ quickly extract messages CTRL ALT AQQ screenshot tool CTRL ENTERQQ send message
Window D displays the desktop
Window R opens? Run
Window L screen locks
Window E opens My Computer
Window F searches for files or folders
Window TAB item switching cmd----CMD command prompt
Keyboard shortcuts
F1 to help CTRL Z to undo
F2 to rename CTRL O Open
F3 search SHIFT DELETE permanent delete
F4 address DELETE delete
F5 refresh ALT ENTER attributes
F6 switch ALT F4 close
F10 menu CTRL F4 close
CTRL A select all ALT TAB switch
CTRL C copy ALT ESC switch
CTRL X cut ALT Space bar window menu
CTRL V paste CTRL ESC start menu
When dragging an item press CTRL to copy the selected item
When dragging an item Press CTRL SHIFT to create a shortcut
Press the SHIFT key to prevent the disc from automatically playing when inserting the disc into the CD-ROM drive
Ctrl 1, 2, 3... Function: Switch to from The 1st, 2nd, 3rd... labels from the left
Ctrl A Function: Select all the current page content
Ctrl C Function: Copy the currently selected content
Ctrl D Function: Open the Add Favorites panel (add the current page to favorites)
Ctrl E Function: Open or close the Search sidebar (optional for various search engines) )
Ctrl F Function: Open the "Search" panel
Ctrl G Function: Open or close the "Simple Collection" panel
Ctrl H Function: Open the "Search" panel History? Sidebar
Ctrl I Function: Open Favorites Sidebar/Another: Restore all vertically tiled or horizontally tiled or stacked windows
Ctrl K Function: Close except when
All tags except the front and locked tags
Ctrl L Function: Open? Open? Panel (you can open the Internet address or other files on the current page...)
Ctrl N Function : Create a new blank window (can be changed, Maxthon options? Label? New)
Ctrl O Function: Open? Open? Panel (you can open the Internet address or other files on the current page...)
Ctrl P Function: Open the Print panel (you can print web pages, pictures, etc.)
Ctrl Q Function: Open the Add to filter list panel (add the current page address Send to filter list)
Ctrl R Function: Refresh the current page
Ctrl S Function: Open the Save Web Page panel (you can save all the contents of the current page)
Ctrl T Function: Tile all windows vertically
Ctrl V Function: Paste the contents of the current clipboard
Ctrl W Function: Close the current tab (window)
Ctrl > Ctrl Z Function: Undo the previous action (generally only used for text operations)
Ctrl F4 Function: Close the current tab (window)
Ctrl F5 Function: Refresh the current page
Ctrl F6 Function: Switch tabs (windows) forward according to the chronological order of page openings
Ctrl F11 Function: Hide or show the menu bar
Ctrl Tab Function: With Switch tabs (window) downwards in small menu mode
Ctrl drag function: Save the link address or selected text or specified picture to a folder (the saving directory can be changed, Maxthon option? Save )
Ctrl small keyboard ' ' Function: Enlarge the current page by 20
Ctrl small keyboard '-' Function: Reduce the current page by 20
Ctrl small keyboard '* ' Function: Restore the zoom of the current page to the original size
Ctrl Alt S Function: Automatically save all the contents of the current page to the specified folder (the saving path can be changed, Maxthon option? Save)
Ctrl Shift small keyboard ' ' Function: Zoom in on all pages by 20
Ctrl Shift small keyboard '-' Function: Zoom out on all pages by 20
Ctrl Shift F Function: Move the input focus to search Column
Ctrl Shift G Function: Close the Simple Collection Panel
Ctrl Shift H Function: Open and activate to the home page you set
Ctrl Shift N Function : Open the address in the clipboard in a new window. If there is text in the clipboard, call the search engine to search for the text (the search engine can be selected, Maxthon option? Search)
Ctrl Shift S Function: Open ?Save web page? panel (can save all the contents of the current page, equivalent to Ctrl S)
Ctrl Shift W Function: Close all tabs (windows) except locked tabs
Ctrl Shift F6 Function: According to the chronological order of page opening
Switch tabs (window) backward
Ctrl Shift Tab Function: Switch tabs (window) upward in a small menu
Alt 1 Function: Save the current form
Alt 2 Function: Save as a general form
Alt A Function: Expand the favorites list
Resource Manager
END Display the bottom of the current window
HOME displays the top of the current window
NUMLOCK The minus sign (-) on the numeric keyboard collapses the selected folder
NUMLOCK The plus sign () on the numeric keyboard displays the selected folder Contents of the folder
NUMLOCK The asterisk (*) on the numeric keyboard displays all subfolders of the selected folder
Left key collapses the currently selected item when it is expanded. , or select its parent folder
Right click to expand the currently selected item when it is in a collapsed state, or select the first subfolder
Natural keyboard
Window shows or hides the Start menu
Window F1 Help
Window D displays the desktop
Window R opens? Run?
Window E opens? My Computer?
Window F Search for files or folders
Window U opens? Tool Manager?
Window BREAK displays? System properties?
Window TAB switches between open projects
Press the right SHIFT key for eight seconds to switch the filter key on and off
Press SHIFT five times to toggle the sticky keys on and off
Press NUMLOCK for five seconds to toggle the sticky keys on and off
ALT on the left ALT on the left SHIFT NUMLOCK switches the mouse button on and off
ALT on the left and SHIFT PRINTSCREEN on the left switches high contrast on and off
The following are supplementary running commands:
Press ?Start?-?Run?, or press the WIN key R, and enter in the "Run" window:
(Arranged in English character order)
temp---- -----Open the temporary folder
?.--------------C: do cumentsandSettingsThe folder where the user name is located
?..- ------------C:do cumentsandSettings
...------------My computer
- -------------C drive
Appwize.cpl----Add and delete programs
access.cpl-----Auxiliary functions Options
Accwiz---------Accessibility Wizard
cmd------------CMD Command Prompt
command--------CMD command prompt
chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk disk check
certmgr.msc----Practical certificate management Program
calc-----------Start the calculator
charmap--------Start character mapping
cintsetp-------Cangjie Pinyin input method
cliconfg-------SQLSERVER client network utility program
clipbrd- -------Clipboard Viewer
control--------Open Control Panel
conf-----------Start netmeeting
compmgmt.msc---Computer Management
cleanmgr-------Garbage Cleaning
ciadv.msc------Index Service program
dcomcnfg-------Open system component service
ddeshare-------Open DDE*** sharing settings
dxdiag---------Check DirectX information
drwtsn32-------System Doctor
devmgmt.msc----Device Manager
Desk.cpl-------Display properties
dfrg.msc-------Disk Defragmenter
diskmgmt.msc--- Disk Management Utility
dvdplay--------DVD player
eventvwr-------Event Viewer
eudcedit- ------Word creation program
Explorer-------Open the resource manager
fsmgmt.msc-----***Shared folder management
Firewall.cpl---WINDOWS firewall
gpedit.msc-----Group Policy
hdwwiz.cpl-----Add hardware
iexpress-------Trojan bundled tool, the system comes with it
inetcpl.cpl----INTETNET option
intl.cpl-- -----Regional and language options (input method options)
irprops.cpl----Wireless link
joy.cpl--------Game control
lusrmgr.msc----Local users and groups
logoff---------logout command
main.cpl- ------Mouse
mem.exe--------Display memory usage
migwiz---------File Transfer Wizard
mplayer2-------Simple widnowsmediaplayer
mspaint--------Drawing Board
msconfig.exe---System Configuration Utility
mstsc----------Remote Desktop Connection
magnify----- ---Magnifying Glass Utility
mmc------------Open Console
mmsys.cpl------Sound and Audio Devices
mobsync--------Synchronization command
ncpa.cpl-------Network connection
nslookup-------IP address Detector
netstartX----Start X service
netstopX-----Stop X service
netstat-an----Command check Interface
netsetup.cpl---Wireless network installation wizard
notepad--------Open Notepad
nslookup----- --IP address detector
narrator-------screen? Narrator?
ntbackup-------system backup and restore
ntmsmgr.msc----Mobile Storage Manager
ntmsoprq.msc---Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
nusrmgr.cpl----User Account p>
nwc.cpl--------NetWare Customer Service
osk------------Open the on-screen keyboard
odbcad32 -------ODBC Data Source Manager
odbccp32.cpl---ODBC Data Source Manager
oobe/msoobe/a-Check whether XP is activated
packager-------object packaging program
perfmon.msc----computer performance monitoring program
powercfg.cpl---power option
p>Progman--------Program Manager
rsop.msc----- --Group Policy Result Set
regedt32-------Registry Editor
regsvr32/?----Calling and uninstalling the DLL file to run (for details, please go to cmd Enter regsvr32/?)
services.msc---Local service settings
syncapp-- ------Create a briefcase
sysedit--------System Configuration Editor
sigverif-------File Signature Verifier
sndvol32-------volume control program
shrpubw--------* **Share folder setting tool
Secpol.msc-----Local security policy
syskey ---------System encryption (once encrypted, it cannot be decrypted, double password to protect WindowsXP system)
services.msc---Local service settings
sfc .exe--------System file checker
sfc/scannow---windows file protection
shutdown-------Shut down
Command (please enter shutdown/? in cmd for details)
Taskmgr--------Task Manager
telephon.cpl---Telephone and Modem Options
Telnet---------Remote connection program
timedate.cpl---Date and time
Tourstart------xp introduction (Roaming