First, please back up your address book and software. It is recommended to make a full backup, high-speed backup of your address book, system settings and so on. You can also back up the alarm clock! !
To unlock the oil, you need to go to the official to get the unlock code. Click Apply for the unlock code (Unlock the oil to skip).
Third-party recycling must be brushed. If you don't brush the third party recovery, the signature verification will fail. Please refer to this post: (brush oil is skipped)
Huawei C8825D/Ascend G330C Chinese version of Recovery-6.0. 1.2, which supports power-off charging and mounting USB flash drives!
Tips for entering the recovery mode: When starting the machine, after selecting "Restart", press and hold the volume button to enter the mode.
Brush method:
1. Don't unzip the downloaded zip brush package, and put it directly on the SDcard.
2. Press and hold the volume increase+power button to start the machine, and do not release it before entering the recovery mode.
3. Select "Clear All Data"
4. Select "Select Brush Package from SD Card"
5. Select "Select ZIP file from SD card" again.
6. Then find the newly downloaded zip format brush package for confirmation.
7. Start brushing after confirmation, and wait for 1 minute to finish.
8. When finished, return to the first menu and select "Restart System Now" to restart the phone.
9. Brush the machine to experience the new ROM.