Physical Examination certificate, Asia University
Physical Examination certificate, Asia University
Asia University physical examination certificate
Full name: ______ Nationality: ________
Full name: Nationality:
Date of birth: ______ Sex: Male/Female_______
Date of birth: Gender: Male/Female
Address: ____________________________________
Address :
1. Height: _____cm Weight: ________kg
Height: cm Weight: kg
Eye sight: ___(R) ______ (L) ____With glasses: _____(R) __ (L) ______
Visual vision: (right) (left) Wearing glasses: (right) (left)
Color: Normal /Abnormal
< p>Color Vision: Normal/AbnormalHearing: (R) Normal/Abnormal
Hearing: (R) Normal/Abnormal
(L) Normal /Abnormal
(Left) Normal/Abnormal
Urine test
Protein - + ++ +++
Sugar - + ++ +++
Urobilinogen - + ++ +++
Hepatitis B surface antibody:
Antigen - +
Antibody - +
Blood pressure: _____mmHg blood type: _____RH___-/+
Blood pressure: mmHg Blood type:
2. -ray: () direct () indirect
X-ray direct indirect
Please comment on condition of applicant's lungs, and give date of test.
Please comment The subject's lungs, and mark the test date
3. Please describe in detail if you find any disease, including chronic ones, or physical handicaps.
If you find any disease, including chronic ones, or physical handicaps. or physical impairment, please describe in detail
Please indicate past illnesses if applicant has had any.
Please indicate medical history, if any
4. I diagnose that the applicant's health and physical conditions are;
The subject's health and physical conditions are diagnosed as follows:
>( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor
Excellent, good, generally poor
I hereby certify the above diagnosis.
I hereby certify the above diagnosis.
Physician's signature: ____________________________________
Physician's signature
Name of physician: ____________________________________
Physician's name
Name of the clinic: _________________________________________
Clinic Name
Date of examination: _________________________________________
Examination Date
This form must be completed by a physician .
This form must be completed by a physician