★What is the file extension?
Speaking of the file names in the Windows work interface, you can simply do whatever you want, such as: the 2000 work plan of an editorial department. The file name can be directly expressed in Chinese, and the length can be up to 256 characters, which makes it clear at a glance. However, in the Windows environment, there are a large number of file names similar to CALENDAR.EXE, GAMES.GRP, etc. in the installed software. Why is this? It turns out that these file names are based on the file name naming rules of the DOS environment.
★File suffix name under DOS environment
Under DOS, the file name adopts the 8+3 structure, that is: the longest 8-digit file name, separated by a decimal point and followed by the last A 3-digit suffix name, such as READ.ME, SETUP.EXE. Generally, Chinese characters are not allowed in file names and can only be composed of letters, numbers and some symbols. For example, READ.ME in Chinese means "read me", which prompts users to read the contents of this file before using the software to obtain more prompt information. More importantly, DOS requires the use of suffix names to distinguish various files.
The most common thing to encounter under DOS is executable files. There are two types of suffix names: *.exe and *.com (* here means any file name). They are composed of assembly language Or files compiled by other high-level languages ??and run directly under DOS. Sometimes due to the many functions of the software and the small memory, it cannot be loaded into the memory at once and there may be ovl files with the same file name, such as ws.exe, ws.ovl. There is also a file that can be run directly, *.bat, which is a batch file: it contains many commands or executable file names, mainly used to improve work efficiency; the most useful one is Autoexec.bat, which will be processed when the computer is turned on. Automatic execution (automatic execution in English means Automatically execute). Another type of file that can be loaded but cannot be run directly is the system extension management file *.sys (sys means system): it mainly provides drivers for certain non-standard devices such as mouse, expanded memory, etc., such as mouse.sys ,himem.sys. For unified management, a config.sys text file is specially provided to automatically load these necessary device drivers at startup. Once these files are accidentally deleted or renamed, or are infected by viruses, they will directly cause the system to malfunction. Not normal.
The files generated by word processing under DOS do not need a suffix, but people often use *.txt to represent them (txt is text). Supported by all platforms and all applications. For the convenience of management, people can also use their own names as suffixes to indicate that they are text files created by themselves. For example, many of the articles I entered are *.mcj, so that users can restore the original files as soon as possible if they accidentally delete them. Many word processing systems provide an automatic backup function for the original file. For example, when I edited JIHUA.MCJ for the second time (JIHUA: planned Chinese Pinyin), the system would first copy the original file to JIHUA.BAK. When using word processing software with special formatting functions, such as WPS launched by Mr. Qiu Bojun in his early years, the suffix will be .wps to identify text files generated by WPS. When using word processing software to edit high-level language programs, the suffix is ??usually the first three letters of the corresponding language (for example: *.BAS means BASIC language source program, *.PAS means PASCAL language program, *.FOR means Fortran language program, * .C means C language, *.ASM means assembly language program).
The following types of files are often attached to the executable file: *.HLP is the help file (help), *.CFG is the configuration file (config), *.DAT is the data file (data), *.LOG is a log file (log), and *.TMP is a temporary file (temporal).
★File suffixes in Windows environment
Most DOS file name suffixes continue to be valid under Windows, but Windows itself has also introduced many new suffixes, such as: *.drv is the device driver (Driver), *.fon and *.fot are both font files, *.grp is the group file (Group), *.ini is the initialization information file (Initiation), *.pif is the DOS environment The file format required when the executable file under Windows is executed, *.crd is the card file (Card), *.rec is the recorder macro file (Record), *.wri is the text file (Write), it is The files generated by word processing write.exe, *.doc and *.rtf are also text files (Document), they are files generated by Word, *.cal is the calendar file, *.clp is the file format in the clipboard, *. htm and *.html are homepage files, *.par is exchange file, *.pwl is password file (Password), etc.
★Suffixes for image files
After entering the multimedia world, you will see a variety of wonderful pictures and find many kinds of suffixes. Indeed, since each company has its own standards when developing graphics-related software, there are too many formats in graphics today. The following are some common formats:
The first is a bitmap file format , which is an image composed of a set of points (pixels) that are generated by an imaging program or created when an image is scanned. Mainly Windows bitmap (.BMP): developed by Microsoft, it is supported by Windows and Windows NT platforms and many applications. Supports 32-bit color, resource file format used to create icons for the Windows interface, cursor (.CUR, .DLL, .EXE): resource file format, used to create cursors for the Windows interface. OS/2 Bitmap (.BMP): Bitmap file format developed by Microsoft and IBM. It is supported by various operating systems and applications. Supports compression, the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000. Brush (.PCX): Launched by Zsoft, it also compresses image data and can be generated by PCX. Paintbrush for Windows. Supports 24-bit color, and the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000. Supports compression. Graphics Interchage Format:
Graphics Interchage format (.GIF): Created by Compu Serve, it supports graphics at any size, saves storage space through compression, and can store multiple graphics in a single file. Supports 256 colors, and the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000.
Kodak Photo CD (.PCD): A bitmap file format developed by Eastman Kodak. It is supported by all platforms. PCD supports 24-bit color. The maximum image pixel is 2048×3072. It is used in Save photos on CD-ROM.
Adobe Photoshop (.PSD): The bitmap file format of Adobe Photoshop is supported by Macintosh and MS Windows platforms. The maximum image pixel is 30000×30000. It supports compression and is widely used in commercial art.
Macintosh Painting (.MAC): A bitmap file format developed by Apple. Supported by the Macintosh platform, it only supports monochrome original images, and the maximum image pixel is 576×720. Supports compression and is mainly used to save black and white graphics and clip art in Macintosh graphics applications.
★Animation file suffix
The animation file format is used to save the graphic information contained in the animation frame. Mainly include: Autodesk FLIC (.FLC): .FLI, the animation file format of Autodesk Animator and AnimatorPro. Supports 256 colors, the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000, and supports compression.
It is widely used in animation sequences in motion graphics, computer-aided design, and computer game applications. Not well suited for animating real-world images.
MacPICTS (.PCS, .PIC): An animation file format developed by Macromedia and used by Macintosh applications. Supports 256 colors, supports compression, and is used to save animation data. It is the predecessor of Quick Time.
Microsoft Resource Interchange File Format, TIFF (.AVD): An animation file format developed by Microsoft. It is supported by Windows, Windows NT platforms and OS/2 multimedia applications. It supports 256 colors and compression. Used to save audio, video, and graphics information in multimedia applications.
MPEG (.MPEG): An animation file format developed by the International Organization for Standardization's Moving Picture Experts Group. Supported by all platforms and Xing Technologies MPEG players and other applications, supports compression, the maximum image pixel is 4095×4094×30 frames/second. Used to encode audio, video, text and graphics data.
Quick Time (.QTM): An animation file format developed by Apple Computer Company. Supported by Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms, supports 25-bit color, the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000, supports compression, and is used to save audio and motion video information.
★Suffix name of sound file
The sound file format is used to save digital audio information. They mainly include:
AIFF (.AIF): This is a sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company and supported by Macintosh platforms and applications. Supports compression.
Amiga sound (.SVX): The sound file format developed by Commodore is supported by the Amiga platform and applications and does not support compression.
MAC Sound (.SND): A sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company. It is supported by the Macintosh platform and various Macintosh applications and supports certain compression.
MIDI (.MID): A sound file format developed by the International MIDI Association and supported by the Windows platform and many applications for creating digital sounds for musical instruments.
Sound Blaster (.VOC): The sound file format developed by Creative Labs is supported by Windows and DOS platforms and supports compression.
WAVE (.WAV): The resource format used by Microsoft to save audio information on the Windows platform.
★Suffix name of compressed files
In order to improve storage efficiency, many companies have introduced methods and corresponding software for compressing data. The use of such files is mainly through compression and unpacking. Software is used for this. The main suffixes are: *.zip, *.arj, *.rar, *.lzh, *.jar. There are also some special compressed files, such as: *.ex_, *.dl_, *.d3_, *.cab, etc.
★Suffix names of database files
In the environment of Dbase, FoxBase, and Foxpro series software, there are the following types of suffixes:
.ap generated application. app application files
.cbx and .pjt label files .cdx and .idx index files
.dbf database files (databasefile) .err compilation error files
.fky key macro file .fp configuration file
.fpt remark field file .frx and .frt report file
.fxp compiled program
.mnx and .mnt menu file .men memory application
.pcb library file .pjx and .pjt project file
.prg command file (i.e. Program)
.qpr and .qpx SQL query files .scx and .sct screen files
.tbk temporary database files .tmp temporary files
.win window files
★ File types that are safe to delete
Temporary files: *.tmp,*.syd,*.$$$,*.@@@,*._mp,*.gid,*.~*,* .gts
Backup files: *.bak,*.old,*.wbk,*.xlk,*.ckr_
Help files: *.hlp, *.chm, * .cnt
Users should note that the suffix name conventions will be different under different operating systems. For example, under Unix, *.p represents Pascal language program. *.z represents a compressed file and *.tar represents an archive file. In addition, for very special devices, their drivers will also have special suffixes. For example, the driver for the 3DS display card is *.exp. Some companies also specify file name suffixes for their products. For example, Founder Company's image layout files specify *.grh (i.e. Graph).
The suffix of the file name represents a certain type of file, which is generally generated and processed by a specific software. Only by having a certain understanding of these suffix names can you know the reasons for them during the computer usage. Here we show you some common suffix types. In fact, there are many more types, and it is impossible to talk about them all. As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice lies with the individual. From now on, everyone can watch it by themselves in the computer world.
★Common file extensions
.ACA: Role documents used by Microsoft agents
.acf: System management configuration
.acm: audio compression management driver, provides encoding and decoding functions for various sound formats for Windows systems
.aif: sound files, supports compression, and can be played using Windows Media Player and QuickTime Player
.AIF: Audio file, use Windows Media Player to play
.AIFC: Audio file, use Windows Media Player to play
.AIFF: Audio file, use Windows Media Player play
.ani: File extension for animated cursors, such as animated hourglass.
.ans: ASCII character graphic animation file
.arc: an earlier compressed file that can be opened using WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software
.arj: compressed file.
Can be opened using WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software
.asf: Video stream supported by Microsoft Media Player, can be played using Windows Media Player
.asp: Microsoft video stream The file can be opened using Windows Media Player
.asp: The Active Server Page proposed by Microsoft is a server-side script, often used in large-scale website development, and supports database connections, similar to PHP. It can be written using Visual InterDev and is currently very popular
.asx: shortcut for Windows Media media files
.au: is a commonly used sound file format on the Internet, mostly developed by Sun Created on a workstation and playable using the software Waveform Hold and Modify. LiveAudio in Netscape Navigator can also play .au files
.avi: a Windows multimedia file format using the Microsoft RIFF specification for storing sounds and moving pictures
.bak : Backup file, usually an auxiliary file created automatically or through a command. It contains the latest version of a file and has the same file name as the file
.bas Basic: Language source program file, which can be compiled into an executable file. Currently, the Basic development system is Visual Basic
.bat: batch file. In MS-DOS, the .bat file is an executable file and consists of a series of commands. , which can include calls to other programs
.bbs: Electronic bulletin board system article information file
.bfc: Windows briefcase file
.bin : Binary file, its use depends on the system or application
.bmp: Bitmap bitmap file, this is Microsoft's own format developed by Paint, which can be used by a variety of Windows and Windows NT platforms and many applications Yes, supports 32-bit color, a resource file format used to create icons for Windows interfaces.
.c: C language source program file, compiled and used under the C language compiler
.cab: Compressed package format developed by Microsoft, commonly used in software installation programs, using Windows The built-in utility program, Extract.exe, can decompress it. WinZip, WinRAR, etc. all support this format
.cal: Calendar file in Windows
.cdf: Internet Explorer's channel file
.cdr: A graphics file format in CorelDraw. It is a graphics image file format that can be used in all CorelDraw applications
.cdx: Index file, exists in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro system software environment
.cfg: Configuration file, a file used by the system or application software to configure its own functions and characteristics
.chm : Compiled HTML file, often used to create help files and electronic documents
.clp: File format in the clipboard under Windows
.cmd: For Windows NT/2000 The batch file has the same function as the BAT file, but is just to be different from the BAT under DOS/Windows 9x
.cmf: Sound card standard music files, FM synthesizers, etc. can be played back
.cnf: NetMeetting conference connection file
.cnt: Online help file directory index file, usually saved together with the .hlp file of the same name
.col: By Autodesk Animator , a palette file format created by programs such as Autodesk Animator Por, which stores the RGB values ??of various items in the palette
.com: DOS executable command file, generally less than 64KB < /p>
.cpl: Control panel extension file, used by Windows operating system
.cpp: C++ language source program, a very powerful language, with corresponding development systems on various platforms< /p>
.crd: Card file in Windows
.crt: Certificate authentication file used for security
.cur: Cursor resource file format under Windows, Can be edited with cursor editing software
.css: Text/css file
.dat: Data file, used in applications
.dat: VCD Image and sound files can be called by VCD playback software or played through a VCD machine
.dbf: database file, database file generated by Foxbase, Dbase, Visual FoxPro, and other database processing systems
.dcx: Fax browsing document file
.ddi: Image file, DUP, HD, IMG and other tools can be expanded
.dev: Device driver
.dib: Device-independent bitmap file, which is a file format whose purpose is to ensure that bitmap graphics created with a certain application can be loaded or displayed equally by other applications
.dir: directory file
.dll: Windows dynamic link library, almost everywhere, but sometimes conflicts between different versions of DLLs can cause various problems
. doc: It is a document created by Word, the word processing software in Microsoft Office, which currently has the highest market share.
.dos: Some system files of MS-DOS reserved by Windows
.dot: Microsoft Word document template file. Templates can simplify the creation of documents in some commonly used formats, and VBA programs can be embedded to implement certain automation functions
.drv: Device driver files, used In various systems
.dwg: AutoCAD drawings
file, which is also a format supported by many drawing software and is often used to share data
.dxb: a graphics file format created by AutoCAD
.dxf: graphics exchange format, A computer-aided design file format originally developed for use with AutoCAD to facilitate the transfer of graphics files between applications. It stores graphics in ASCII mode and is very accurate in representing the size of graphics
< p>.der: Certificate file.dic: Txt file
.emf: Windows 32-bit extended metafile format developed by Microsoft, its overall design goal is to compensate The deficiencies of the *.wmf file format used in Microsoft Windows 3.1 (Win16) make metafiles easier to use
.eps: a graphics file format described in PostScript language, saved as a text file , can print high-quality graphics images on PostScript graphics printers, and can represent up to 32-bit graphics images
.err: Compilation error file, exists in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software environments< /p>
.exe: Executable file, although the suffix name is the same, it has different formats and versions
.exp: The display card driver used by 3DS
. exc: Txt file
.flc: Animation file of Autodesk Animator and Animatorpro, supports 256 colors, the largest image size is 64000*64000, supports compression, and is widely used in animation sequences in animation graphics. Computer-aided design and computer game applications
.fnd: saved search results
.fon: bitmap font file
.for: Fortran language program< /p>
.fot: Shortcut key to font
.fp: Configuration file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
.fpt: Remarks Field file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
.frt: Report file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
.frx: Report files exist in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro series software
.fxp: compiled programs exist in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro series software
. gif: a compressed graphic file format that can be processed by various graphics processing software on various platforms
.grh: image layout file of Founder Company
.grp: Group window file generated by the program manager under Windows
.goc: Gocserve
.gra: MSGraph.Chart.5
.h: C language source program header file
.hlp: Windows application help file
.hqx: BinHex is used in Macintosh to encode binary files into 7-bit text files. Most Macintosh files All appear as .hqx (.bin is rarely used). In Macintosh, you can use StuffIt Expander to decode .hqx, and in Windows, you can use BinHex 13 to decode
.ht: Hyper Terminal
.htm: A text file that saves hypertext description language. It is used to describe various web pages and can be opened using various browsers.
.html: Same as .htm file
< p>.icm: Image color matching description file.ico: Icon file in Windows, which can contain multiple formats of the same icon and is created using icon editing software
df: MIDI instrument definition
.idx: Index file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
.iff: File exchange format file, this file format is multi-purpose On the Amiga platform, it can store almost all types of data. On other platforms, the IFF file format is mostly used to store image and sound files
.image: MAcintosh disk image file , common in FTP sites on Apple computers, processed by Shrink Wrap in Macintosh
.ime: input method file under Windows
.img: disk image file, using HD -COPY, WinImage and other tools can be restored to a disk after being opened
.inc: assembly language include file, similar to .H files in C/C++
.inf: Windows The standard installation program of Windows installs software, drivers, etc. based on the installation information in this file
.ini: The initialization information file in Windows is not used much anymore. The new application saves the settings in the system's registry
.jar: a compressed file, a new version of ARJ, but not very popular. It can be opened using WinJar, Winrar, etc.
< p>.jpeg: A type of picture compression file, the same as .jpg.jpg: A static image compression standard formulated by the Static Image Expert Group. It has a high compression ratio and is widely used. Created by image processing software such as PhotoShop
.lnk: shortcut, this file points to another file, each item in the program folder of the start menu is an LNK file
. log: log file, usually used to record some events
.lzh: an ancient compressed file that can be opened with WinRAR
.mac: one used in Macintosh Grayscale graphics file format, used in Macintosh Paintbrush, its resolution can only be 720*567
.mag: graphics file format
.mdb: database format used by Microsoft Access , is a very popular desktop database
.men: memory application file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
.mid: audio compressed file, once very popular , but it is rarely used in current software
.mif: MIDI instrument
.mov: movie file using Apple's QuickTime format, used in Macintosh by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software can be played by Quicktime in Windows
.movie: QuickTime or Apple’s film and television format, played by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software in Macintosh, and can be played by QuickTime in Windows
p>.mp3: An audio file compressed using the MPEG-1 Layout 3 standard. It is the main compressed audio file on the Internet. Due to its extremely high compression rate and low distortion, this file is currently the main source of music piracy. file format, but is currently challenged by new standards such as VQF and WMA.
.mpg: A video file compressed using the MPEG-1 standard, which is very similar to the format used by VCD, providing CD-quality audio signals and 320 *240 video resolution, most current media playback software can play it, Microsoft's WMV8 and MPEG-4 compressed AVI files are its strong competitors
.mpt: a graphics used in Macintosh File format
.msg: Microsoft Mail Document
.obj: Object code
.ovl: Due to the many functions of the software and the small memory, executable files that cannot be loaded into the memory at once may have ovl files with the same file name p>
.pcd: bitmap file, developed by Eastman Kodak, supported by all platforms, PCD supports 24-bit color, the maximum image resolution is 2048*3072, used to save pictures on CD-ROM
.pcs: Animation file, an animation file format developed by Macromedia, used by Macintosh applications, supports compression, supports 256 colors, is used to save animation data, and is the predecessor of Quick Time
< p>.pcx: Image file, PCX format is a format developed by ZSOFT when developing the image processing software Paintbrush. This is a compressed format and takes up less disk space.pdf: Graphic and text multimedia files, the electronic print file format defined by Adobe, is a de facto standard. Many electronic prints on the Internet are in .pdf format
.psd: in PhotoShop A standard graphics file format used that can save every small part of the image data, including layers, additional mask channels, and other content
.pwl: Password file under Windows
< p>.qt: Machintosh's QuickTime film and television format, played by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software on Macintosh, and played by Quicktime on Windows.qtm: animation file, this file format is played by Apple Developed by Computer Company, supported by Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms, it supports 25-bit color, the maximum image resolution is 64000*64000, supports compression, and is used to save audio and motion video information
.rec: Windows Recorder macro file under
.reg: Windows 95/98 system and application registration file. Although this file is saved as a plain text file, there are still version problems. Different operating systems use REG The file versions are different
.rle: A compressed bitmap file format. The RLE compression scheme is an extremely mature compression scheme. It is characterized by lossless compression, which not only saves disk space but also reduces the cost of the file. Any image data will be lost, but it will take more time to open such a compressed file. In addition, some applications with poor compatibility may not be able to open it.
.rm: RealPlayer under Windows The supported video compressed files, very popular streaming video files on the Internet, and many real-time video news, etc. all use this format. However, the latest Windows Media Video V8 has launched a powerful offensive against it
< p>.rmi: MIDI sequence file.rtf: Rich text format file, which describes the content in plain text and can save information in various formats. It can be created with Wordpress, Word, etc.
.sav: archive file
.scp: script file used for automatic dial-up login for Internet dial-up users in Windows systems, which can avoid tedious keyboard input during manual login
. scr: barrier protection file
.sct: screen file
.scx: screen file
.set: Microsoft backup set file, used to save the files to be backed up Content, settings and other information
.shb: shortcut to a document
.snd: Mac sound file, a sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company, used by the Macintosh platform and many Supported by Macintosh applications, supports some compression
.sql: Query files in Dbase, Foxbase
, used in the environment of Foxpro series software
.svg: SVG can be regarded as the most popular image file format at present. It is based on XML and was developed by the WorldWideWebConsortium alliance. SVG is a scalable vector graphic
.svx: Amiga sound file, a sound file format developed by Commodore, supported by the Amiga platform and applications, does not support compression
.swf: flash is a product of Micromedia, strictly speaking It is an animation editing software. In fact, it produces an animation with the suffix .swf. The animation in this format can express rich multimedia forms in a relatively small size, and can also be consistent with HTML files. A state of "compatibility"
.swg: virtual memory swap file, used by the operating system
.sys: system files, drivers, etc., which are different in different operating systems Definition
.tbk: Temporary database file, used in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
.tga: Image file, the structure of this file format is relatively simple and belongs to A universal format for graphics and image data that has a great influence in the field of multimedia and is the preferred format for converting computer-generated images to television
.tiff: Image file, this image format is complex and the storage content It takes up a lot of storage space. Its size is 3 times that of GIF images and 10 times that of corresponding JPEG images. It was first popular on Macintosh and is now supported by mainstream Windows image applications
.tmp : Temporary files are generally files for temporary use generated by the system and applications. When the system and applications exit, the temporary files created by them will be automatically deleted. If the system exits abnormally, the temporary files may remain on the disk. Under the task system, they can be deleted immediately. Under the multi-tasking system, temporary files that are not in use should be deleted
.txt: text file
.url: InternetShortcut (on the internet URL address shortcut)
.vcd: CD image file produced by the virtual optical drive tool
.ver: Version description, a file used to describe the version information of a certain software, content Varies by software
.voc: sound file, this file format was developed by Creative Labs, is supported by Windows and DOS platforms, and supports compression
.vxd: virtual device driver , very common in Windows operating systems, is an important system file
.wab: Address book file, used by the address book program in the system
.wav: Audio file, this The file format is a resource format used to save audio information on Windows. It is played by Waveform Hold and Modify or Navigator, or "media player" in Windows. There are many encoding methods that require corresponding decoding programs to play
< p>.win: Window file, used in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software.wmf: A common metafile format in Microsoft Windows, it has the characteristics of short file size and stylized pattern Characteristics, the entire graphic is often spliced ??together from independent components, but the graphics are often rough and can only be edited in Microsoft Office
.wpc: WordPad Document Conversion
.wps: Wps text file, available in multiple versions, can be opened using Wps Office, Wps 2000, etc.
.wri: Windows WordPad document
.xab: Microsoft mail Address Book
.xbm: A graphics file format created by Animator Pro, which contains information used to describe a series of points of a polygon
.zip: Yes DO
The most common file compression format in S/Windows and the standard compression format on the Internet, which can contain paths and multiple files