-View guild order details: /cguild
-create guild: /cguild create(Cr)[ guild name]
-dissolution of the guild: /c guild (DIS)[ guild name]
-Join a guild: /cguild Join(j)[ guild name]
-Leave the guild: /cguild leave(l)[ guild name]
-Invite players: /cguild Invite(in)[ player name]
-Kick out the player: /cguild Kick[ player name]
-Confirm to leave:/c/c Guild Confirmatory Leave (cl) [guild name]
-Confirmed dissolution: /c Guild Confirmed Band (CD)[ Guild Name]
-accept the invitation: /cguild confirm invite(ci)[ guild name]
-Accept the application for joining: /cguild confirm join(CJ)[ player name]
-refused to join the application: /cguild deny join(DJ)[ player name]
-login: /cgsign login
-Check your last check-in date: /CG sign seed
-Check the last check-in date of the specified player: /CG sign look[ player name]
-Create guild territory: /cgres Set the territory name (two points need to be circled)
-Remove guild realm: /cgres Delete the realm name (guild realm is required)