Signing a house purchase contract does not necessarily require your signature. When concluding a house purchase contract, the buyer's signature is generally required for confirmation. A house purchase contract signed by someone other than the person himself is generally invalid, but a contract signed by a third party authorized by the buyer is valid.
Legal Basis
Article 161 of the Civil Code
A civil subject may perform civil legal acts through an agent. According to legal provisions, parties' agreement or the nature of the civil legal act, civil legal acts that should be carried out by the person himself shall not be represented by an agent.
Article 171
If the actor does not have the authority of agency, exceeds the authority of agency, or after the termination of the authority of agency, still performs agency acts without ratification by the principal, he shall be liable to The principal shall have no effect. The counterparty may urge the principal to ratify it within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice. If the principal fails to make any representation, it shall be deemed as a refusal to ratify. Before the act performed by the actor is ratified, the counterparty in good faith has the right to revoke it. Cancellation shall be made by notification. If the act performed by the actor has not been ratified, the counterparty in good faith has the right to request the actor to perform the debt or to request compensation from the actor for the damage suffered. However, the scope of compensation shall not exceed the benefits that the counterparty can obtain when ratified by the agent. If the counterparty knows or should know that the actor has no authority to act as agent, the counterparty and the perpetrator shall bear liability according to their respective faults.