When it comes to "God of Gambling", many people are not unfamiliar with how many chocolates Chow Yun Fat ate before playing. The gambler's favorite chocolate is Fedora.
Fedora is famous for producing high-quality handmade chocolate. They grind chocolate beans with extra care and bake them for more than 72 hours, bringing a smooth and delicate taste. Fedora got her name from the Duchess of Fedora. She liked the unknown chocolate at that time so much that she gave her family emblem, yellow symbolizing family and her signature to the chocolate manufacturer.
75% of the dark chocolate in Fedora is silky and delicate, which can't compare with other chocolates, but it may be worse than 90% of the dark chocolate in Byhlinder or other brands in flavor and a little acidity.
Chocolate (also translated as chocolate) is native to Central and South America, and its originator is "xocolatl", which means "bitter water". Its main raw material, cocoa beans, is produced in the narrow strip within the equator latitude 18. When making drinks, it is usually called "hot chocolate" or cocoa.