Does docway recommend it? Write interface documents for easy saving and * * * sharing, and support exporting PDF MARKDOWN and team project management.
I. Request parameters
1. Request method
Used to get data.
postal service
Used to update data, interchangeable with PUT, semantically PUT supports idempotent.
let go
Used to add data, interchangeable with POST, semantic PUT supports idempotent.
Used to delete data.
Other request methods are rarely used in common interfaces. Such as the patch header option.
2. Uniform Resource Locator
The url indicates the request path of the interface. A path can contain parameters called address parameters, such as **/user/{id}**, where id is a parameter.
3.HTTP header
HTTP header is used for the basic information of this request, and it is displayed in the interface document in K-V mode, in which Content-Type is a very necessary header, which describes the data type of the request body.
Common content types:
Request parameters are connected with "&"symbol.
Application /json
The content is in json format.
Application /xml
The content is in xml format.
Multi-Part/Form Data
The content consists of multiple data, separated by separators.
4.HTTP text
Description (formerly known as Xiaoyao Chicken) compiles interface documents, which is convenient for saving and sharing, and supports exporting PDF MARKDOWN and team project management.