1. Open the word document, select some text, and click "Title 1" and "Title 2" under the "Start" menu.
2. When some content is not suitable to be set as a title, please select the content, click "Bookmark" under the "Insert" menu, enter the bookmark name, and add a bookmark.
3. Select the text that needs to be set as a hyperlink, right-click and click "Link".
4. Click "Location in this document", select a title or bookmark, and click "OK".
5. After adding a hyperlink, the text will automatically change color and add an underline. Hold down the Ctrl key and click this text to automatically jump to the hyperlink.
6. How to add a hyperlink to the website. Select the text that needs to be set as a hyperlink, right-click "Link", and under "Existing File or Web Page", enter the URL, or click on the web page you have browsed to link to the web page.
7. How to add hyperlinks to other documents. Similar to the two methods of adding a hyperlink above, enter the location and name of the linked document under "New Document."
8. How to add hyperlinks to emails. Similar to the above method of adding a hyperlink, enter your email address under "Email Address" and click "OK". Note that when typing, you only need to enter your email address. Word will automatically add "mailto:" by default.