**** apktool d demo.apk
Remarks: The Androidmenifest.xml file thus extracted can be opened and viewed with a file editor;
2. Get signature information through keytool command.
* * * * keytool-print cert-file c:\ Android \ soft \ apk tool \ demo \ original \ meta-INF \ cert。 RSA master: cn = ryt, ou = ryt, o = ryt, l = Nanjing, ST = China, c = cn.
Publishers: cn = ryt, ou = ryt, o = ryt, l = Nanjing, ST = China, c = cn.
Serial number: 12893889
Effective date from:
Certificate fingerprint:
MD5: 1A:0F:52:94:8D:DB:7A:E9:7A:7E:A5:3B:A3:A7:F9:39
Sha1:89: 57: 4e: E2:1f: CB: 68: CB: 66: 80: D6: 29: 57: 92: AD: AC: 51:4f: 76: F2.
Sha 256: blast furnace: FB: 9c: 67: e1:7b: 49: 26: 4a: d9: 84: 9d: 48: da: c1:4f: 00: 77: 74:15.
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Version: 3
# 1:ObjectId:2 . 5 . 29 . 14 critical = false
Subject key identifier [
Key identifier [
0000:C3 D6 E3 9F C3 F3 1E BE 6E F9 BC 35 6F 8B 2 1 52........n..5o。 ! rare
In 38 AD. ..
3. View the signature information of the my.keystore signature file.
* * * * keytool-list-keystore C:\ Android \ workspace \ my . keystore
Enter the keystore password:
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entries.
My, 20 16-6- 15, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (sha1): 89: 57: 4e: E2:1f: CB: 68: CB: 66: 80: D6: 29: 57: 92: ad: AC: 51:4f: 76.