Use namespace std
Template & lt Class Hewitt & gt
huge int Power(const huge int & amp; X, const HugeInt & ampn,//Find X n mod p.
const HugeInt & ampp)
If (n == 0)
HugeInt tmp = Power( ( x * x ) % p,n / 2,p);
if( n % 2! = 0 )
tmp =(tmp * x)% p;
Return to tmp
Template & lt Class Hewitt & gt
void full gcd(const huge int & amp; const HugeInt & ampb,//
Hugent & ampx, HugeInt & ampy)
HugeInt x 1,y 1;
If (b == 0)
x = 1;
y = 0;
fullGcd( b,a % b,x 1,y 1);
x = y 1;
y = x 1-(a/b)* y 1;
Template & lt Class Hewitt & gt
Inverse HugeInt (const HugeInt & ampp, const HugeInt & ampq,//find d.
const HugeInt & ampe)
int fyn =( 1-p)*( 1-q);
HugeInt x,y;
fullGcd( fyn,e,x,y);
return x & gt0 ? x:x+e;
int main()
Cout & lt& lt Please enter clear text: "<& ltendl"
int m;
CIN & gt; & gtm;
Cout & lt& lt Please enter p, q and e: "<; & ltendl
int p,q,e;
CIN & gt; & gtp & gt& gtq & gt& gte;
int n = p * q;
int d = inverse( p,q,e);
Int C = power (m, e, n);
The ciphertext of cout & lt& lt is: "<& ltC<& ltendl"
Cout & lt& lt\ n \ Please enter the ciphertext: "<& ltendl"
CIN & gt; & gtc;
Cout & lt& lt\ n \ Please enter p, q and d: "< & ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtp & gt& gtq & gt& gtd;
n = p * q;
M = power (c, d, n);
Cout & lt& lt is plain text: "<& ltm<& ltendl & lt& ltendl"
System ("suspended");
Returns 0;
This is RSA encryption and decryption algorithm.