Nike running shoes are usually 400-1500.
400-600 generally does not have any technical content. At most, it has an air cushion. Many styles do not have air cushions.
600-800 are mid-range, including running shoes, basketball shoes and other types. They are popular shoes and do not have very cutting-edge technology, that is, zoom, MAX, and other common cushioning technologies.
900-1400 are NIKE’s cutting-edge shoes. For example, basketball shoes signed by stars such as Kobe and James are priced around 1200-1400. There are also some running shoes that are not as good as high-end running shoes such as AIR MAX 360. , the price is around 1,000 yuan.
But if some stores offer event discounts, you can buy shoes with a relatively high original price at a discount of 50% or less, especially during major festivals such as the Chinese New Year. The original price of around 1,000 may be 5.600 at that time. You can buy it, even lower.
But NIKE will re-enact classic basketball shoes from the past every year, such as the Jordan series, and the price is very high, some reaching more than 2,000 yuan.